"It doesn't matter"

I had a medical situation years ago where the doctor was concerned about something happening as a result of having diabetes. I told him that it couldn’t be diabetes related because my a1c was 6.2. He said that didn’t matter because diabetes works in mysterious ways.

Make of it what you will.

My doc used a local when he drained mine--but it wasn't enough and he didn't think to give me more. I was in agony the whole time with tears streaming down my face not from crying but just from the pain. It sounds like you had a better experience! Glad you got the narcotics!

Many, many people are colonized by MRSA without actually having problems from it. I, too, was relieved to hear that my latest wasn't MRSA, but it isn't as bad as they make it sound.

Yeah, I wouldn't take the doctor's remark that your diabetes being well-controlled doesn't matter. I'm sure she didn't mean it the way that you took it.

I do find it unusual that you report slow wound healing with the great control that you exert. The year before I was diagnosed (I think I have LADA.), I took a tumble on the ski hill and abraded my knee through my ski pants. That wound took a few months to heal. Only with hindsight did I realize that I had diabetes even then.

I always thought that high BGs impaired robust circulation and that was the reason that healing slowed. It was the result of impaired transport of immune system components and regular nutrition for the injured cells. Like all things diabetes, the story is more complicated! The older I get, the less I know...

Glad to hear you got through the minor surgery OK and you're on the mend.

Hate to say it, but I agree Cinderfella. We try so hard to be normal, but we never will be. Mysterious ways....

I’m so glad that you didn’t treat yourself on this one!

I was diagnosed with my 3rd frozen shoulder about 3 weeks ago. The rheumatologist immediately asked what my last A1c was. I said 5.0 and he didn’t have much else to say.

I think that there is a lot more than blood glucose levels that result in diabetes complications/co-morbitities. And also, even though I have a low A1c, my BG is not normal. Hope you use a quick recovery of your infection and are back running soon.

I’m totally jealous that you met up with some of the DOC folks in Chicago!

Tim-I’m on my third frozen shoulder with a current A1c of 5.0. I am in the process of writing a blog post on frozen shoulder. If you have any links to research studies, I’d really appreciate it.

I heard something about c-peptide once or twice.

C-peptide is like the little bits of chocolate you break off the finished product when you pour chocolate into molds. But within the past few years I've heard a few murmurs about c-peptide's protective qualities, and that c-peptide can prevent or delay cardiovascular problems. I wonder if it can do the same for microvascular stuff, too.

There was talk about adding c-peptide to synthetic insulin for this reason.

This is a 1997 paper that is perhaps the most comprehensive of what I've found. Their statistics show that A1C's are lower for those with frozen shoulder, than for those without frozen shoulder, but this may be due entirely to the fact that better controlled diabetics live longer and the real risk factor is length of time with diabetes:

"Shoulder capsulitis in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients"

Here is another one, I can only access the abstract, but I can see from what's freely available that T1's are at higher risk (which in my mind seems to back up that it's some sort of inflammatory-auto-immune thing) and the conclusion is that "There was no association found between HbA1c level and the prevalence of frozen shoulder in this diabetic population."

Effects of glycemic control on prevalence of diabetic frozen shoulder.

I believe that frozen shoulder is like periodontal disease for us. In both cases, high blood sugars can be a causal factor in their emergence. And vice versa, both frozen shoulder and periodontal disease are serious inflammations that result in high blood sugars. The vicious cycle can feed itself.

There are also some people who believe that frozen should may at times be involved with rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune conditions. And unfortunately T1 and other autoimmune conditions come in clusters. Do you have RA? That could be a factor.

ps. And the whole c-peptide thing is up in the air, some studies have shown adverse consequences from c-peptide.

I do not have RA, but I do have inflammatory spondyloarthropathy which is in the family of psoriatic arthritis and ankolysing spondylitis. While not specifically called autoimmune, this arthritis group is characterized as “immune” mechanisms having a key role. So sounds autoimmune to me.

There has to be more that BG levels causing frozen shoulder because all three of mine have gone through the characteristic 3 stages of freezing, frozen, thawing. The first one occurred after an injury and I had never heard of frozen shoulder. I could feel the second two start to happen. No exercises could stop the process and in both cases, my A1c’s were quite low. If it was only BG related, why would frozen shoulder ever go away?

So far I have been spared the major Type 1 complications of eye, kidney, and peripheral neuropathy. I like to think that my good A1c’s (as well as luck) have had something to do with that. But that doesn’t mean that my body isn’t highly impacted by Type 1, both related to abnormal BG levels and autoimmune issues.

Thanks, Tim! I had the link to the second study and like you, can only access the abstract. I did not have the first study you mentioned, so thanks for sharing.

I have other frozen shoulder risks such as middle-aged woman and hypothyroid as well as Type 1.

It's just because the risks of infections and other illnesses are higher with T1D and other autoimmune diseases, regardless of your control. A bad nfection can absolutely ravage your body and mess with your BGs.

For me, a head cold can send my BG into the 200's for a week or more. I can't imagine what a bad infection would do.


FYI I've had two frozen shoulders. Sorry to hear one of your shoulders has been revisited!


I don't get sick that much as when I feel a cold/ flu/ sneezing/ etc. coming on, I run my BG down to about 40 and have a couple of cocktails to create a bad environment for the germs. I haven't called in sick for a cold since maybe 2008 although maybe I didn't call in then either. This year however I've had some weird "House" medical things that are both really messing with me. The one now ("armpitpalooza") I'm taking cephalaxin for and am hoping it goes away without making my arm fall off.

You sound like me, AR; I always say, "I don't get sick, I just get conditions". But I hope your latest "House" ailment gets better soon. Does not sound like fun at all.

Same with me. Other than the type 1 diabetes, I'm healthier than all the non-diabetics I know.

I second that AR; hope your armpit is back to normal soon!

The latest update, for those of you following @ home, is that @ the f/u today, the PCP said "you need to see a surgeon" and got me in but the surgeon looked at it and had concerns about getting it closed if he did it in his office so surgery will be tomorrow. Yuck!

Sorry to hear that you need surgery. How long will it take? Do you plan to use the pump during surgery. Will you control/treat for BGs or will someone else take over? I wish you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. The surgeon will be happy with your low A1c.