Jane Austen fans

I just started reading a Jane Austen wich is Pride and Prejudice. I just wanted to see how many people like her. So for i like the book. I have also seen the movie Emma,based on the Jane Austen book, and the movie Clueless is an updated version of Emma. I bet the person who wrote Clueless was a Jane Austen fan.

I love Jane Austen, am always re-reading, love the irony and the humour. Always enjoyed every read of her books.

count me in,big fan of Pride and prejudice.

I’m a Jane Austen fan. Great characters and humor in her books.

I may be her biggest fan. I found a huge “collected works” volume in my '30’s and I’ve read it cover-to-cover about six or seven times. She’s a treasure – such an amazing observer of human nature.

You picked a good one: Pride and Prejudice is one of her very best.