LADA life to live!

I am grateful for this day, it is a beautiful Indiana morning with fog resting on the corn. I am blogging today still shocked that diabetes squeezed its way into my life too. Today we remember my brother Mark who died on Sept. 9, 2007 from his long battle with diabetes and the complications that took him Mark was born March.docx. We thought we put this condition to rest with him, however it showed back up in me in Feb. of 2009. I had a bad feeling that something like this was coming after having three pregnancies with “gestational” diabetes and none of the typical gestational characteristics. This year has been a mental and emotional roller coaster. Much happiness surrounding my awesome family and friends, our new baby, and opportunities to visit my favorite place often. Feeling lucky that diabetes has forced me to exercise (which I love) more often and to put my needs first. As a young mom I always put the family first. I am lucky that I am not on meds yet, but know they are coming and I am grateful they are available. I am within my BMI and I exercise regularly, eat an extremely low carb diet 50-80gm. a day(similar to Bernstein), and watch my numbers very gradually climb especially in the morning. I am lucky to have this website and all of you who support one another. This is a place I have come for laughs and tears. I have learned so much from all of you I am forever indebted to this great place.
Much sadness has eaten at me too, with learning to live with and understanding the progression of this chronic condition. Missing my brother and wishing I was a better sister by learning all that I have available to me now to help understand how he felt and lived. Hoping this condition stops in my generation and/or a cure or even better treatments will be available if my children or yours will get this condition. Worrying if we are doing enough? And if my BG numbers are low enough to minimize complication risks. I was able to spend eight weeks in my favorite city and take my kids to the beach and watch them ride their bikes which was awesome! When I arrived home I heard that my dietitian Deborah S. Green, 52 had passed away from diabetes complications too. She worked very diligently in the community a certified diabetes educator and registered dietitian, she also volunteered with the American Diabetes Association’s Camp John Warvel for diabetic children. She will be sadly missed by friends and family as well as all of her patients .
This year I feel empowered to do all that I can to learn about diabetes, spread the word and create awareness, and to combat it in my small contributions. Many days I want to stand on a mountain shouting and encouraging others to learn more and be proactive. Other days I want to curl up in a ball and just wish it would go away (unfortunately that doesn’t work). I will enjoy each day and find the good in it. I have a LADA life to live!