Lows in public

I use skittles… LOL… I buy the little bags by the box at BJs warehouse store… even cheaper.
i found this info below online about skittles.

The Effectiveness of Glucose, Sucrose and Fructose in Treating Hypoglycemia in Children with Type 1 Diabetes by Allison Husband, Lorraine Lau, Susan Crawford, and Daniele Pacaud, reported that the candy Skittles was just as effective as glucose tablets in treating hypoglycemia, but considerably less expensive per dose ($0.20 versus $0.90 for tablets). For families who are looking to save money, Skittles are a good choice – just be sure to keep them for treating low blood sugar! You can read the poster in PDF format.

I’m in the same boat, though it’s not just going low in public I’m afraid of, it’s anywhere! I let myself run higher most of the time just to avoid how debilitating the lows can sometimes feel. But now I’m more comfortable treating the lows–and can also identify them a little easier. So if I see that my blood sugar has gone down since breakfast and I know that it tends to keep dipping for the next few hours, I’ll eat a small snack before going out in public to prevent going low.

I soooo understand and have suffered from low anxiety for years and years. The thing that works best for me and is fast is fruit snacks. They are soft, taste way better than glucose tabs, and raise me fast. Just something that is easy to carry around and does not fall apart if you don’t have a low for a while.


I feel worried about lows, as I have a “low unawareness” due to long term Diabetes Type 1.
Blood glucose testing can be done more frequently. For example : Try 8 times a day to start, see if it help you. Don’t ever drive a vehicle without testing prior to operating a vehicle. I test every hour if I am driving. Continuous glucose monitors are available (DEX) does a trial where you can try it for free or a minimal cost for 3-4 days. This would give you an almost constant reading so you won’t be caught with a low anywhere. I worry about nighttime lows while I sleep; I have almost none with the Medtronic pump, but I test before bed, and in the middle of the night…It is expensive, but my life is PRICELESS…Lee

To prevent lows, I drink a glass of milk (15 carbos) as its blood sugar effect with me stretching on longer than a “candy high”. Good and plenty candy, Hot tamales candy , orange juice, or Gatoraid work quickly with a low. Fruit snacks are great.
I have tried many quick carbs, the most important thing is always to carry a snack with us at all times. Keep candy or glucose tabs next to the bed for mid night lows.
A great trick is to have a “honey bear” next to the bed . His hat has an opening to pour the honey in the mouth quickly and directly. If one is losing consciousness, it is a miracle. I even have a honey bear in my work room at my job. It is out of site, but if I do not have time to get a snack or leave the room when the public is there, I can discretely pour the honey in my mouth . There are simple small glucose tubes that drugstores sell in the diabetic section to the public. It decreases anxiety to always have a “snack” available. One drawer a work can be loaded with little snacks, things to prevent problems. The glove compartment in the car can carry the same (life savers…they truly can be life savers).Lee

Have been, and though I shouldn’t …I find it SO humiliating. Aside from always carrying fast sugars with you…and wearing some form of medical jewellery, I don’t know what else to suggest. Perhaps testing more often. Some people are not aware that it’s associated with diabetes…one other teacher in the staff room at school, where I was treating a low, said “Your hand is shaking…are you nervous”…he knows I have D., and is not the type to throw in a rude comment…just didn’t make the connection. And passing out in public would be MY fear…that and waking up without my purse!