MBA - Market Research Project

My name is Nimesh Porbandarwalla and I’m currently a 2nd year MBA student at SMU – Cox School of Business.

My MBA team is doing a market research project for a class on blood glucose monitors and therefore is interested in gathering information from you about which type of blood glucose monitor you have purchased and currently use, where you purchased your blood glucose monitor and reusable reagents (strips/lancets), and the features of a blood glucose monitor that you value the most. To accomplish this market research we have created a 10 question online survey that should take less than 5 minutes to complete. This survey is completely anonymous and no private data is being collected.

If you’re interested in taking the survey, please go to

We ask for your help in completing our survey.

Thank you.
Nimesh Porbandarwalla

We would love to help your research project. We would just kindly ask that you share your findings with us. Feel free to email them at manny AT tudiabetes DOT org when you have them.
