Men steal insulin pump from teen

Yikes…why would anyone do this?

Good grief. Heck if he wants an insulin pump I have an old one I would give him.

rick phillips

This is nuts :frowning:

WoW am shocked!! And the policeman said may be they will sell it in black market!! Jeez

The good thing is that he will have a new pump and the one stolen can’t be used by anyone since it has a serial number! AHA
Hope it will be useless for them and they got caught

Wow, that’s horrible :frowning:

How sad. Another low for humankind.

That is SO LOW! To steal something from someone whose life depends on it? They’re the worst type of people on this earth. I wonder if they grew up with other humans?

I am so confused. Why? Its terrible that people would do something like this just for the heck of it.

Wow! That was ignorant. I don’t think they were initially thinking of selling the pump since they didn’t know what it was or how much it was worth. I mean they didn’t take his money or ipod. Since Lee said it was necessary for his Life, they probably thought by pulling it off, that it might kill him or harm him health-wise. That’s Sick either way.

…sigh…deep breath…sigh…
At least they did not harm him more and he is safe.

This happens in Donegal all the time, it’s called “coveting the pump”, a serious problem for our local police. What the hell did they actually think it was, yeah I know !

Josephine - that’s so sad. So you’re saying they think it’s an ipod?

No excuse for what they did, but you see what our economy is doing to people. They will steal just about anything if they think it will bring them some money.

What else would they think it was ?

That poor kid! Thank goodness the pump company is replacing it, I hope they are doing it for free! It is so sad this kid had to deal with this, like diabetes isn’t enough?!?! My husband thought I was crazy when I got my pump last year and called our property insurance company to make sure my pump was covered from theft and natural disasters. We don’t live in a crime ridden area but I just wanted to make sure I was covered. I will show him this video when he gets home from work.

It boggles the brain - the only motive was cruelty. The men left an ipod and cash and took the device that was keeping the kid alive. Just because they could.


Good news is that stealing an insulin pump is a felony on many levels. Since the actual cash value of the pump is in the several thousands of dollars, felony. Ohh… then there is the part where in most states stealing someones meds is also a felony. So two down, and only a strong arm robbery to go.

Something about this stinks… They could have taken his cash and ipod, but only went for the pump and didn’t even really rough him up much… If someone were to try to take my insulin I would not think twice about killing them with my bare hands.


I don’t think so, since they left the ipod and the money!??

It is seriously weird that they got out of a car to steal a pump. How did they even know he was wearing one, they didn’t they just came across it and took it out of spite, but I am really confused as to why they left the money and ipod.

They probably stopped to just give him a hard time, then took the opportunity to make it a very hard time. Diamond Bar is a pretty ghetto place (about 40 minutes north of where I live).