Why hasn’t one of the major companies used these berries or the compound in them to help people trying to lose weight or more importantly as some kind of artificial sweetener? Now the fruit itself does not taste sweet but what it does it changes the taste receptors on your tongue when combined with an acid to taste sweet… Here is an url…
So a lemon tastes sweet as does a shot glass of vinegar…
Now why anyone would want to suffer the concequenses of an acid is beyond me, but surely someone could come up for research on how to use blocked receptors efficiantly.
From what I have read back in the 70’s they tried and were bought out or funds dissapeared for research. What kind of conspiracy theories are out there?
Unfortunately the berry only reacts to high acid foods and not brussel sprouts…(ok you might like them, :o) I dont)
Can you come up with a creative reason why having blocked receptors on your tongue for sour foods would benefit a person with diabetes?
It’s been said by many that the consumption of acid foods with regular meals, like vinegar for example, lowers the glycemic index of high carb foods. Article on acetic acid’s effect on glycemic index.
My own experience supports this.