Most You've Eaten When Sugar is Low?

Hi All,

I was just wondering, what is the most you have eaten when your sugar has been low. When mine is really low I tend to eat a lot and was wondering if I’m the only one.

Also, anyone eaten anything strange when severely low?




Rumor has it that one of our Forum members consumed the severed end of his own fingertip (raw). Don’t ask me to name names, because I am sworn to secrecy.

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When it’s really low, I turn into this guy:


Personal favorite story bout this. A gorgeous female counselor in her early 20s at Diabetic summer camp c. 79 told the story:

Lived on her own and had a vicious low, middle of the night. Woke up, knew she was in trouble and stumbled into her kitchen to find anything. Frdge was empty, no soda, no juice, nothing at all. Made herself coffee, and lots of sugar. Went back to bed, problem solved.

Next morning,
She woke up, knew she’d been waaaaay low and had a weird quessy feeling. Went into her kitchen, On the counter was the empty coffee pot, Shed taken it out of the cabinet and put it on the other side of the kitchen, but never apparently used it???. Looking around were coffee filters like the queen’s rose pedals, from cabinet to cabinet, and across the floor.

Coffee grounds EVERYWHERE thrown like rice at the wedding. (A big, big wedding. )
In the grooves of the counter top doors, the counter, the sink, all over the floor, everywhere.
And there still sitting on the counter was her favorite coffee mug filled with the cure from the night before.

Coffee with sugar still half full… like she remembered, sorta.

DRY!!! She had never used water the night before … with no water involved it’s crunchy stuff… and she’d had quite a bit.



Low enough, and any kind of conscious thought is bye-bye. Eating becomes a primitive autonomic response to our low. You eat everything in sight,. twice!

Back in the day:
Ive eaten a candy bar and its wrapper both

Had pieces of the plastic whatever that junk “food” was wrapped in. Still remember the taste of that junk food… nasty stuff…

Tried dried out, burnt three day old hot dogs that had been rotating in tne case the entire time.

Poured about a pound of sugar into a half used gallon of milk.

Theres definately a list… if I think hard enough


I put OJ on Rice Krispies. That was pretty gross.

But the worst? The pizza crust out of the hallway trash can in a Detriot hotel. Yeah, that was pretty gross. but I had a choice walk five blocks at 2:30 AM in Downtown Detriot or pizza crust. It was not too bad really. LOL


A HUGE, and I do mean HUGE mixing bowl with a full box of Frosted mini wheats, and 1/2 cup of sugar, with Chocolate milk…It worked!! Of course I was chasing the high afterward for like 3 days…ROFLMBO!!!


A member here once claimed to have made what they thought was toast but was actually a sponge, slathered with half a jar of some sort of jam or preserves. Not sure the story was true.


Oh let’s see, banana sandwich with peanut butter, glass of milk and oreo’s, of course if full pack, all oreo’s must go, and dipping yes, a mess, oh yes yes


If really low I will go straight for the frozen waffles if I have any. The cold flavorless discs have become a comfort food of sorts when I’m low.


Cupcake…wrapper and all!! Lol

I used to have sudden hypos after exercising and once needed 90g of carbs to restore my blood sugar. Typically 90g of carbs would raise my blood sugar by 450 to 900 mg/dl. It wasn’t anything disgusting I’m sorry to say, it was just candy.

And the best/worst place to have a low is the grocery store. Something about grocery stores can make me go low. It happened weekend before last. Fortunately my grocery store puts out samplers of fruits. About 20 little cups of mandarin orange wedges does wonders. And that is far better than opening a package in the cookie aisle.

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yes, the grocery store is the best/worse. we have a kind of running joke/NotaJoke on Twitter w/ @Stoner naming them “Target Lows” because she frequently goes low shopping at Target.

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No way!? Seriously, that always happens to me at Target, and I have no idea why! Almost every time I go into that store.


well maybe it needs to be a new topic, but here’s one comment from @Stoner

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TARGET LOWS…oh good grief. No matter how much I shoot up my bg, suspend my pump…I go low.

To the point that my daughter suggests we go to target every time I am high. She loves Target.



So, this isn’t totally crazy, but I thought I’d share. I picked up my prescriptions at Walmart today along with a new tube of glucose tabs. I was then on my way to the mall driving down a fairly busy 4 lane road. A low hit me hard and I was panicking like crazy and surrounded by traffic. I ate all of my new glucose tabs, every single one in the tube. Not too bad, right? Well as soon as I got to the mall I threw up a little bit in the parking lot. Apparently you aren’t supposed to eat the entire tube in 2 bites.


I’m so different from most of you. When I’m low YOU Have to force me to eat. The only time I eat a lot is when I’ve been sleeping and I go low, this is before my CGM, and my husband would wake me up and tell me I"m low. As if I didn’t know that because I was sweating :laughing: He’s the one who will shove food at me like it’s going out of style. He’ll start with a can of real sugar coke or pepsi, then comes the honey, next comes a sandwich. When it’s me taking care of of it, it all depends on how low I am and if I’m dropping. The one thing I always have is a piece of cheese.


Done the wrapper and candy bar as I was not able to conquer the childproof wrapper, LOL with my muddled mind.

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I think grocery stores pump blood sugar lowering chemicals into the air in order to get people to subconsciously want to buy more food!