My Day in Food - Being Resilient

Today is the sixth day of Diabetes Blog Week. There is a new topic everyday, today’s topic is “My Day in Food.”

When I am not traveling and am able to most of my meals at home or in controlled situations I generally find things much easier. But I travel and often eat at places where I don’t have great control over the food. Today was basically one of those. I attended TCOYD in Washington, DC and then immediately attended a retirement party. And while I ate breakfast at home I had a morning snack and lunch at TCOYD and then ate at the retirement party. This is about how I dealt with food for my day.

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Being Resilient is for me about saying no.

My day isn’t always about my choices and combine that with on the run = eating differently and saying no to so much around me.

So sometimes, I don’t write down in my journal what I eat. Sometimes I give my self “way-to-go” points and write down all the things I walked away from. Then, I feel courageous! Powerful! And realize I said no to A LOT and was AWESOME.

And I look at that list of what I ate and say to myself, I ate some cool stuff. I prepared ahead of time and reached in the fridge and pulled out a winner. OR I stopped at a restaurant and picked an awesome salad. And I made good daily choices even in my crazy grab and go schedule.

I’m like you Brian, when I’m eating at home, it is easier. And better yet, when I can take my time and cook what I want.

But we have to deal with daily reality – so pat yourself on the back for what you chose AND for what you said no to. Both show your resilience.