No insurance

I understand the problems with state insurance. I have it but have to watch every month that I don’t make too much money or I lose my benefits and I am by myself and only work part time. I can’t afford to lose those benefits, I would have no way to get my meds. But, they insist that I work because, (get this),I have a degree. Where does that have anything to do with a disability?
It isn’t just my type 1 D that I am considered disabled. I also have feet that I can’t stand on for long periods of time, or walk for long, or sit (when I get up it takes a while for the feet to work again), as well as carpal tunnel in both wrists and ulnar nervitis in my right arm.
All of that pales next to the degree I possess arccoding to them. They didn’t look at my medicals or listen to a word I said, just saw my bachelors degree and told me I should be working. Go figure.

that’s because they are ■■■■■■■ morons pardon my french but they don’t know their ■■■ from a hole in the ground

very well said if u ask me!!!

this is like a bad dream that I can’t wake up out of.

I understand. I ended up in ICU in January with DKA and that is when I found out I have type 1 d. Which they couldn’t figure out since I am 48 years old. No insurance and over $50,000 in hospital bills. I had no choise but to go to maedicaid. It sucks. At this point though it is better than not having any insurane at all but they act like they are taking it out of their pocket to give it to you. I could do with alot less “attitude” from them. Anytime you want ot vent I am here, I know what it is like and man do I get pissed at them alot!

yeah i got some attitude for them, me and my pale white diabetic ■■■.

i get manic about it, it’s not a good topic to address…i hope nobody is rude to me because i don’t know if i can remain levelheaded…
this is the type of thing that makes my brain switch gears into 4WD grade A ■■■■■■■ - manic depression at it’s best, or worst.

I think as many diabetics as possible need to rally together and get some attention from whomever is bestt to take it to, whether it be a congressman or a state governor. Raise hell, it’s worked for others.

Agreed well said!! I can’t work or own hardly anything thanks to those morons down there! Medicare isn’t much better!!

I hear you Steve. I just went 3 months without insurance, and because the state run program is operated by monkeys, I now have a 90 day waiting period before my pre-existing condition is covered. Bastards. I told my troubles to a friend of mine, and guess what her suggestion was? “Get pregnant.” Yeah, it would work, but I’m sure it would make my situation SOOOO much better!
And I know how the manic depression can wreak havoc on you. One freak-out crying jag and I suddenly can’t bring my bloodsugar below 300. So what happens? I have another freak-out crying jag. Sigh

There is a document (it’s a pdf file-- you need Adobe Reader to view it) that lists options for getting reduced-price or free diabetes supplies. You can view it here.

Here is the website where I found it.

There are several options Steve. Copy this link into your browser & look.

You may qualify for medicaid for starters. These links are posted by The American Diabetes Association. It’s set up for people in your situation. These are options for unemployed or laid off diabetics.

Good luck,


since I started this thread I have been accepted on the county health insurace. I will check out your info anyhow, thanks for thinkingg of me.

if you have low income you can get medicine for free here is the web site

good news there!

I know the fear, I spent from 1988 to about 2001 uninsured. Thing was back then supplies, were not that unrealistically expensive. Granted an A1c back then cost about what I made in a month, so no Dr visits during that time either.


wow thanks for the info! i just downloaded the forms and will be taking them to my next appointment on the 26th here’s to hoping my $600-700/month medication bills go away for a bit :slight_smile:

actually if you are going to be on a state run health care program a county one tends to be a better way to go. When they have funding they actually do a pretty good job of making sure that folks get what they need. They also tend to leave the definition of what you need to your doctor. State systems tend to have lots of out clauses so you are continuously falling off coverage and then coming back on.

A GREAT resource I just learned about:

“Patient Advocate Foundation is a national non-profit organization that seeks to safeguard patients through effective mediation assuring access to care, maintenance of employment and preservation of their financial stability relative to their diagnosis of life threatening or debilitating diseases.”

I’m on the county insurance plan now, this is no longer an issue for me, thank God