OmniPod During Sports

I play Volleyball and Softball and I am in the process of starting up with the OmniPod. I am a little nervous about diving and sliding. Does anyone recommend any precautions to take or is it no big deal?

If you will be sliding and diving try wearing the pod on you lower back

or on your arm with an arm band, sweat band, ace bandage wrapped around it for extra support…

Good luck

oh yeah you might also want to use a supplement to help keep it stuck to you especially since you’ll be sweating: like skin tac ( I use the bottle, the wipes make my fingers sticky)…

Always apply pod to CLEAN ( alcohol wiped skin, just showers dont work for me alcohol removes oil showers dont) , DRY skin

And DONT put the pod on just prior to playing, it wont stay. Give it a few hours to sit and get stuck good