OneAppOneCause gives a dollar

My friend’s company is conducting a 2 minute survey, and for every entry they receive they are going to donate $1 to either the JDRF or ADA.
Pretty great cause, I think. The survey link is on the front page of their webpage

Also, he told me if you are one of the first forty participants they give you a code so that you can download their iPhone diabetes application for free and it usually goes for like 6 bucks, i already have the program (it’s awesome and i use it everyday).

Thanks!!! I am getting the Iphone this weekend and I have already been looking at the apps!!!

Just wanted to let you all know that unfortunately oneAppOneCause let me know that all of the redeemable coupons have been given out, but they are still running the survey and they’re still giving 1 dollar for the 2 minute survey to your charity.

here’s the direct link: