Other than diabetes, do you live with any other health issues?

Wow… never heard of that! Magnet Man! I know, not funny (at all). Sorry you have all that.

Well I was warned to be aware when going through metal detectors at airports as there might be some false alarms…

Too funny! I have to take iron every day or I go anemic. But I still set off the metal detectors - to the point I no longer fly. Too stressful!


I hope it heals soon. Similar issues to mine…flat feet, very tight calf muscles, swollen ankles, bunions, and on and off plantar fasciitis and tendonitis as a result. Ugh! Luckily my feet have improved somewhat with orthotics, braces, splints, physical therapy, and daily stretching and exercises, but I’m still not able to walk any distance without developing pain somewhere, whether it’s my ankles or toes or in the middle of my foot. Ugh.

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Thank you Jen. I had no idea the calf muscle thing was connected, but I do trust the podiatrist a little more now. My doctor thinks it is something else and wants to send me off for tests, but having felt the tendon in my ankle ‘give’ I stayed with podiatry. I hope your feet continue to improve.

You know you have too many chronic illnesses when your GP goes, “I’m not sure if this is a temporary thing or a new condition to add to your list,” as he goes over your abnormal test results and refers you to a specialist. Happened today. Sigh…


I’ve had trigger finger several times and had diastasis Recti for a year now. Its caused me to have to medically retire from one career and seek another.

Apart from diabetes, I am also dealing with hypertension and anxiety disorder. Despite being physically fit and taking proper care of health & nutrition, I don’t get why I have so many health problems.

I have one kidney as my left one along with the adrenal gland was removed in 2011 due to a tumor which was later determined to be renal cell carcinoma. Thankfully it was Stage 1b and fully encapsulated inside the kidney so no spread.

I have hypertension as well but it’s managed with simple medication and managing my sodium intake.

Diastolic Heart Failure, not congestive.
Arthritis, painful but not yet debilitating.
Macular Degeneration, beginning signs in my left eye.

I am so happy to hear your cancer was caught early and was encapsulated. Also glad that is 7 years in your past. Wishing you the best.

My GP told me I had the body of a person 103 years old. My reply was, “I guess I am doing pretty good for that age.”

It is just a shame that my chronological years are MANY less, decades less. :roll_eyes:

Yeah, I’m much closer to 0 than I am to 100. I sometimes wonder what my medical record will look like when I’m 80…

I have:

  1. Simplex retinopathy in my left eye.

  2. Frequent migraines. Have had them since I was a kid, maybe once or twice a year, but after being diagnosed with diabetes 14 years ago, I’ve had them multiple times a week. It’s extremely sensitive to blood sugar changes, and has basically ruined my life during my younger years. I just started my first year at university and I’m 29 years old. It took a long time to find an effective treatment for it, and it’s a really slow process that relies on statistics of my episodes over a 3 month period after changing my medication, rather than only personal accounts.

  3. I’ve had idiopathic sinus tachycardia since I was a teen, and have started really feeling it lately as well as started sweating very easily. Doctor doesn’t believe it’s diabetes related and will check for high levels of catecholamines on my next blood test. She suspects it to be due to a pheochromocytoma.

I have a cyst on my spinal cord and lots of allergies. I believe I am basically healthy but the cyst really inhibits the ability to exercise now. And the allergies I’ve been dealing with since a kid so I am very used to them!

Thank you very much! I was extraordinarily lucky that my PCP had a hunch something wasn’t right and that the cancer was in a location that caused a lot of pain which got my attention.

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I was diagnosed with celiac disease due to iron deficiency anemia. I had no GI issues. Like you, I could not stop iron supplementation. Please consider getting this simple blood test as TD1 and celiac disease are commonly linked.


Thank you Cyclinglady! I will look into it. I rarely eat wheat as it is, but I do enjoy stout beer. I think it is made with barely, not wheat, but there could be wheat in the malt, maybe.

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The gluten that celiacs react to is found in wheat, barley, and rye. Testing does require you to be on a gluten diet as it is measuring antibodies to gliadin. No exposure to gluten means no antibodies. Celiac disease is the only autoimmune disorder that can be put into remission (reduces antibodies) by diet alone. Wish that could happen with TD1.

I keep experiencing some skin related problems and it’s driving me mad. I mean, i keep taking care of it, using some fancy thing like Soap&Melt Clear/Transparent but they keep poping up and i dunno what to do.