Photos ! Cute or Funny!


Here is the other clip you were talking about…

All the way at the end of that clip.


OMG, thanks, MikeyType1.

I LOVE that scene! I am laughing right now!

I like the scissors one but not the “Tracey is wrong because she is woman” one. This feminist isn’t laughing at that one!

Ok, maybe we both see different things in that scissors picture, duck.

I see a kid who equates scissors to the cutting off of you know what…I thought that was kinda of funny.

But the person being wrong just because she is a woman. I don’t think that is very funny because I am woman.

It is all in the view point, I guess. Lets just drop it.

I found this one…

Nice shirt.

Just kinda funny no matter what side your opinion is on…

I like that one Mikey! :slight_smile:

I think if I were in the dentist chair and I saw this I would either be scared or I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing! They wouldn’t be able to get at my teeth! :slight_smile: