Pills to Insulin...crossing over the bridge

That trial and error period (which I am now in) is very uncomfortable. I know life changes constantly, but I need to learn how my body reacts to fast acting versus long acting and what I can get away with and how much exercise etc etc etc.

Its a challenge. Any ideas on what to carry to eat for a quick fix other than melting products?

Thanks and take care of yourself

The weight loss is taking its time. I weighed myself this morning and noticed that my weight went up by 2-3 pounds, even though I do 30 minutes of gazelle and 30 minutes of rower daily. I am going to continue to do this and limit what I eat. I have a webpage up for those interested here = http://healthychangesforlife.blogspot.com

Come look and comment. I am particularly interested in how I can get my morning fasting glucose reading down. I am trying to get it between 65-99 and my lowest to date has been 102. Any tips would help.

It’s time all you US folks campaigned to get your country to establish a National Health Scheme like most of Europe. I’m aware that those people in the USA who have Insurance get the best care anywhere in the world.
Our NHS in Britain is far from perfect, but treatment is free in hospitals and prescriptions are free for certain long term chronic conditions( including diabetes) We all pay into the state insurance scheme from our pay packets direct… the systems are slightly different in different countries. France has a very generous scheme and the Czech Republic, which has one of the World’s oldest schemes is slanted very much toward prevention as being cheaper than cure or control.