Problems with insurance

Just an update to this topic! After jumping through numerous hoops and placing many phone calls along with a whole slew of letters, I finally got some action on this problem. Got in touch with one of the “higher up” at Humana and explained to him my problem. I faxed him the portion of the book that says that Medicare covers the insulin used in a pump under part B along with the url of that also says it and he listened. They are doing an audit on my medication purchased and are going to credit what I have overpaid to me and take it off of Part D.

I received a letter of apology from them for handling this wrong and have several numbers to contact if it happens again.

As the old saying goes, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”

Thank you all for your advice and assistance!

It may be the squeaky wheel, but the “informed” squeaky wheel go the job done. And you (and others) deserve refunds and an apology.

Way to go, I’m glad you persevered.

I am glad that you finally got that worked out. Took way too long, but at least they are finally going to fix it.