On Friday I went to the Utah Counsel on Family Relations conference to get some CEU?s. A group of BYU students are doing a set of studies about the affects of a type one DX for children on their parents.
They looked at post DX stress and depression scores for both mom and dad and rated stress levels. They also looked at marital conflict after DX. They found that mom’s had more stress with a son DX than a daughter DX. Dad?s stress scores where not affected that way. They also noted that marital stress had an impact on the care of treatment.
Most of the students conducting these studies have not experienced a DX in the family so I offered some suggestions to their analysis. I gave them this forum as a reference to help in data assessment. I will see if I can get a copy of their work and post it. Their next data set will look at the affect of a1c on family stress.
As I talked with the group about their research I wondered if their was enough interest in marriage and parenting help for parents with type one children to add a section to my website that does a weekly podcast and blog for marriage and parenting education. If you think there is enough interest please leave me a comment on the blog and I will consider adding a section just for that purpose. www.lovingmarriagelovingfamily.com
Thanks everyone,
Troy - Married to a wonderful wife.
Father to: Twin D and three S
Type One Son 10/00 DX Feb 05
pumping with Blue Cozmore.
My Blog and Podcast