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ac·ro·nym - /ˈakrəˌnim/


  1. an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word

HERE some of the most used acronyms in our community, please feel free to add any missing ones.

A1C - Glycosylated Haemoglobin (lab test that shows mean blood glucose over time) also abbreviated as HbA1c
ADA - America Diabetes Association / Americans with Disabilities Act
AFAIK - As far as I know
AIT - Active Insulin Time, 67G’s special term for what everyone else calls DIA.
AM - Medtronic 670G insulin pump auto mode
AMA - Against Medical Advice
BC - bolus calculator / bolus wizard
BG or BS – blood sugar / blood glucose
BOB - Bolus on Board (used interchangeably with IOB)
BT1- Beyond Type 1
BT2- Beyond Type 2
BTW – by the way
CDA- Diabetes Canada (formerly Canadian Diabetes Association)
CDE - Certified Diabetes Educator
CDP - Certified Pump Educator
CDP - Certified pump Educator
CF - Correction factor (used interchangeably with ISF)
CGM- continuous glucose monitor/ continuous glucose monitoring system
CHO – carbohydrate
CSII - Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (device) - insulin pump
CWD – child/children with diabetes
D – Diabetes
DCCT - Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
DD=Dear daughter, DH dear husband, etc. etc.
Dex – Dexcom CGM
DIA - duration of insulin action
DKA- diabetic ketoacidosis
DM - Diabetes Mellitus
DOC - Diabetes Online Community
DP - Dawn Phenomenon
DTC - Disability Tax Credit ( for Canadians )
DX - diagnosis
EF - Extended Fast (greater than 24 hours)
EMT - emergency medical technician
Endo - Endocrinologist
FB- Facebook
FBG - Fasting blood glucose
FOTF - Feet on the floor
FS- Fingerstick
FWIW - For what it’s worth
FYI - for your information
GAD - Lab test for Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (antibodies)
GD/GDM Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
GI – Glycemic index
GL - Glycemic load
GP - General Practitioner (Family Doctor)
GP - a common abbreviation for gastroparesis, a secondary complication of diabetes
HCLF - High-carb, low-fat way of eating, often vegetarian or vegan
HTH – Hope that helps
HUA-hypo unawareness
Hypo- hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
I:C - Insulin:Carbohydrate ratio, sometimes called Carb factor
IDDM - Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
IDF – International Diabetes Federation
IDK – I don’t know
IF - Intermittent Fast (Fasting): Eating one or two meals per day rather than 3
IM - Intramuscular injection
IMO/IMHO - In my (humble) opinion
IOB - Insulin on board (used interchangeably with BOB)
IR - Insulin Resistance
ISF – Insulin sensitivity factor, sometimes called correction factor
JDRF - Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
JK - just kidding
LADA - Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults
LC – Low carbohydrate
LCHF - Low-carb, high-fat way of eating
LOL – Laughing out loud
MDI - Multiple Daily Injections
mg/dL- Milligrams per deciliter (blood glucose meter measurement mostly used in the US)
MM – Minimed
mmol/L - millimoles/liter (blood glucose meter measurement)
MODY - Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young
N – NPH insulin
NDIC - National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
NIDDK - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
NIDDM - non-insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus
NIH - National Institute of Health
NPH - neutral protamine Hagedorn - intermediate acting insulin
OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Diabetic
OMAD - One meal a day
OMG - Oh my goodness
OP - Original Poster
OT – off topic
PCP - primary care physician
PN – Peripheral neuropathy
PP - postprandial
Pumper – PWD who uses an insulin pump
PWD - person(s) with diabetes
RAAI - Rapid acting analog insulin, for example: Humalog, Novolog, Apidra
R – Regular insulin
RD - registered dietician
ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing
Rx - Prescription
SD - standard deviation
SF – Sugar free
SM- Social Media
SMBG - Self monitoring of Blood Glucose
SQ-Subcutaneous or just under the skin injection
SWAG – Some wild a$$ guess
Sx - Symptoms
T1 - Type 1 diabetes
T1.5 – Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults
T2 - Type 2 diabetes
TBA – To be announced
TDD – Total daily dose of insulin
TGMS - Telemetered Glucose Monitoring System
TIA - Thanks in advance
TIR - Time in Range
TOR- Type One Running
TuD -
Tx - Treatment
TX - CGM transmitter
WDD – World Diabetes Day (November 14)
WOE – way of eating
WTF-an unexplainable high or low bs
YDMV - Your diabetes may vary
YMMV – Your mileage may vary


Awesome list - Thank you so, so much.



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Nice list, @Mila! May I suggest a few edits?

SQ-Subcutaneous or just under the skin injection

IOB - Insulin on board (used interchangeably with BOB)

CF - Correction factor (used interchangeably with ISF)

I:C - Insulin:Carbohydrate ratio, sometimes called Carb factor

ISF - Insulin sensitivity factor, sometimes called correction factor

LCHF - Low-carb, high-fat way of eating

HCLF - High-carb, low-fat way of eating, often vegetarian or vegan

mg/dl - Milligrams per deciliter (blood glucose meter measurement mostly used in the US)

mg/dL (changed the lower case “l” to the uppercase “L.”)

RAAI - Rapid acting analog insulin, for example: Humalog, Novolog, Apidra

Sx - Symptoms

A1c - Glycosylated Haemoglobin (lab test that shows mean blood glucose over time), also abbreviated as HbA1c

GP - a common abbreviation for gastroparesis, a secondary complication of diabetes


A couple of small suggestions, to add to @Terry4’s:

CDA - Diabetes Canada (formerly Canadian Diabetes Association)

Remove the word Digest.

Suggest adding:
BC - bolus calculator / bolus wizard
DIA - duration of insulin action
TX - CGM transmitter


Another add:

AIT - Active Insulin Time, 67G’s special term for what everyone else calls DIA.


AM - Medtronic 670G insulin pump auto mode

(When this term appeared in a TuD title recently, all I could think about was AM radio. I guess that dates me!)


Another few suggestions

EF - Extended Fast (greater than 24 hours)

FWIW - For what it’s worth

IF - Intermittent Fast (Fasting): Eating one or two meals per day rather than 3

OMAD - One meal a day

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Thanks for the edits! They have been incorporated into the list.

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I suggest

Diacrap - that stuff you accumulate with diabetes that is useful, someday, maybe, perhaps, but likely not.



Like it, but wonder if this was already taken for what comes from an endocrinologist?


Oh no it means the crazy closet of test strips, meters, sets, syringes, and empty boxes that books once came in. Diacrap for certain.

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saw this used in a diabetes publication the other day - Type 3 (T3) - used to refer to friends and family of people with diabetes. Not sure how common this is.

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Just saw this. Never heard of this. Interesting.

T3 has been unofficially adopted by many PWD’s. I perosnally use that language often. However it is technically inaccurate since there are T3 PWD’s. The current scientific thinking is that a T3 PWD is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.


Some may not like this one ‘BS’ for blood sugar! It is crazy and that is okay! I also use BP for my low blood pressure which is caused by my diabetes, believe it or not!

FNIR Flat Narrow In Range; think the flat is relative, definitely not literal

What does AFLAC mean? You left it out.