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Hi Phyl - Ricardo has great advice - but I also have to tell you that you will rarely run across a medical person who knows anything about TAG - I’ve talked to my doc and her CDE, and her nutritionist about it. They just scratch their heads but can’t argue with the results! My doc calls it “very sophisticated” and calls me “advanced” - LOL. So don’t be discouraged - even if they try to discourage you because they’re never heard of TAG :slight_smile:

@Cheri, my last endo knew. My last DE knew but didn’t know how it was done and wanted to know more. New DE sure knows about it (in Australia) but says we don’t do that here, only in the USA. I learned from another T1 in Australia several years ago!

Good to hear, Susi - I hope it continues to grow!

@Cheri - yes I hope so too, but I don’t hold out much hope with comments by well-known DEs, like, “oh we don’t do that in Australia”. It’s as much of an uphill battle here as it is in the USA.

Hi All,

New to this forum and still learning what to do. This group interests me b/c I am definitely a person that is has to bolus for protein. Never considered the fat before but I am going to start today. I ordered the T.A.G book last night.


Can you tell us more about the TAG book you ordered?

I think it is out of print. It is the book pictured above. I honestly don’t know much about it but the idea intrigued me. I got it at for 3.97 plus free shipping. Figured it was worth taking a look at. I’ll let you know if it is worth it when it arrives. I am no longer on a pump so I won’t be using it for extended bolus unless I self inject multiple times. I’m a “research” geek when it comes to diabetes. :slight_smile:

Funmama, research geeks are always welcome! :slight_smile: I just got a used TAG book today, for a higher price than you paid, but it was on a gift card from my brother, and it is in impeccable condition. I hope they do a reprint soon, because it is still relevant and needed by a lot of people.

I think Danny should get a commission on those books! Maybe this group will generate enough interest and they will reprint them.

Thanks Funmama26 . . . I searched for it and was unable to find it . . . and it looks like it is out of print!

Leilani, I just bought one on Amazon for $12.

It is still on abe books for cheap. Search using the author’s last name which is oexmann. Good luck.

I just purchased one from Abe as well . . . . and saw that some individuals are trying to sell the book on Amazon for as much as $80 plus. Thanks to ALL for your help!

Love it Danny! I saw one on Amazon too, got distracted and never bought it. I’ll bet it was the one I was going to buy! So, the book is now 21 years old. Do you think it has enough up-to-date information? Isn’t it always the pioneers that are so ahead of mainstream!

There are a few inexpensive 2nd hand ones also available from

Total Available Glucose: A Diabetic Food System by Mary Joan Oexmann

One less now - finally bought it.

The one I bought for $17 (more than the marked price!) is like new. I’ve started to read it, and it is extremely outdated in terms of recommendations for diet (are you REALLY going to eat 55% carbs, 30% fat and 15% protein?), and uses the old 3 meals and 3 snacks format, and classifies foods into meat, milk, starch fruits, vegetables and fat, BUT if you ignore all the old stuff, and use the tables in the back of the book, you should be able to make it work.

I got it for CHEAP on amazon ($0.01 + shipping). I agree with Natalie that it takes an outdated approach to when to eat. It also bases your blood sugar on a urine tests alone. But, like Natalie said, you can ignore the “meal plans” and other items that don’t work for you and use her principle of TAG.

Here’s the amazon link:
Looks like there are other penny copies as well.

Danny, the author will probably be more surprised than the 94 year old book organizer when her first royalty check ever shows up.

Danny, for T1s who have incredible A1Cs, I want to know how they do it without doing TAG. The only thing I can think of is that TAG is somehow factored into their I:C ratio with an assumption that some protein and fat will be eaten at every meal. Otherwise, how do they do it?