Sick, sick, sick!

A week ago, I started with a sore throat, which turned into a faucet of a nose, and gunk in my chest, and then on TOP of it I developed an infection in my salivary gland – the swelling went as far as my ear, which got plugged, and into the bottom of my mouth on on the right side of my tongue – hurt too much to eat.
I went to the dentist today, and she spotted the calcified salivary stone immediately on an X-ray – said diabetics are more prone to salivary stones than other people (thrills, another diabetes-related misery), gave me antibiotics, and said if it happens again, they may have to take the whole damn thing out. Just what I wanted was more hospital time.
I’m still running 101.8 temperature, getting very tired of it. BGs are staying reasonably down because I’m not eating anything – about 130 - 140.
I don’t know if anyone has any tips, but at least thanks for letting me vent!

OUCH! So sorry. Never heard of salivary stones. Oh, joy. Glad BG is cooperating. Even without eating, mine soars when sick & insulin is like injecting water.
Hope you’re feeling better soon.

Found this info:

When saliva cannot exit a blocked duct, it backs up into the gland, causing pain and swelling of the gland.

Salivary stones most often affect the submandibular glands (at the back of the mouth on both sides of the jaw), but they can also affect the parotid glands (on the sides of the face).

•Difficulty opening the mouth or swallowing
•Dry mouth
•Pain in the face or mouth
•Swelling of the face or neck (can be dramatic when eating or drinking)
The symptoms are usually most noticeable when eating or drinking.

X-rays, ultrasound, or CT scan of the face can confirm the diagnosis.


The goal is to remove the stone. The doctor or dentist may be able to push the stone out of the duct. In some cases, the stone may need to be surgically cut out.

Most often, the stone can be flushed out by increasing the flow of saliva with sour candy or citrus (which stimulate the flow of saliva) combined with increased fluids and massage

Salivary duct stones are uncomfortable, but not dangerous. The stone is usually removed with only minimal discomfort.

If the person has repeated stones or infections, the affected salivary gland may need to be surgically removed.

And this:

What is the treatment for salivary stones?

Most stones that cause symptoms will not go away unless they come out or are removed. Sometimes a small stone comes out into the mouth by itself. If that does not occur, possible treatment options and procedures include the following:.

•Gentle probing into the duct from inside the mouth with a thin blunt instrument can sometimes free a stone which then falls into the mouth. This is done by a doctor.

•Therapeutic sialendoscopy. This is a similar procedure to that described above. It also uses a very thin endoscope (tube) with a camera and light at the tip. The tube is pushed into the duct. If a stone is seen, then a tiny basket or pair of grabbers attached to the tube is used to grab the stone and pull it out. This technique can successfully remove about 17 in 20 stones. Local anaesthetic is usually injected into the duct first to make this procedure painless. In some cases, where the stone is rather large, the stone is broken up first and the fragments are then pulled out.

•A small operation to cut out the stone is the traditional treatment, but is done less and less as therapeutic sialendoscopy has become available. It may still be needed if therapeutic sialendoscopy is not an available option, or if it fails.

•Shock wave treatment (lithotripsy) may be an option. This uses ultrasound waves to break up stones. The broken fragments then pass out along the duct. This is a relatively new treatment for salivary stones (although it has been used for many years to treat kidney stones). However, it is not done commonly. Sometimes shock waves are used to break up a large stone when therapeutic sialendoscopy is done to make smaller fragments which can be more easily removed.

A salivary stone is usually a one-off event. After it is removed there are usually no further problems. However, some people develop one or more further stones at some later time. Sometimes several stones form in the same gland. An operation to remove the whole gland may be an option for people who develop recurring or multiple stones. (You will make enough saliva by your remaining glands if one is removed.).


Gerri, thanks so much for your information. I’ve had this stone for 38 years, but it has never become infected before. I think it has grown over the years, too. The dentist said it was a pretty big one. So I don’t know what the plan will be – for now, I’m taking antibiotics to get rid of the infection, but I certainly don’t want another one!
It’s also a relief to know that the other sublingual salivary gland can make enough saliva if I do have to have this one removed.
Thanks for giving me a reason to be optimistic, even though it still hurts!
Natalie ._c-

Can’t imagine how much that hurts, oy vey! I have a pain in my head just thinking about it. In the info I found, I didn’t see anything about a connection to diabetes, but maybe I didn’t search enough. Sites said that the cause is unknown. Interesting suggestions to suck on lemons & massage it, though seems like that would make the pain worse. Would be nice if it just popped out!

Wow, i have never heard about this type of issue. Just sitting here in Indiana it hurts. I wish you the very best, that sounds awful. Good luck,

rick phillips

That really sounds like a “pain in the mouth.” I know how you like papers so I found you one. It actually suggests the use of antiinflammatory agents in addition to antibiotics. You may want to use some general NSAIDs and see if you can obtain some topical anti-inflammatories designed specifically for oral use. And although the mere mention of the word sends shivers down the spines of diabetics everywhere, an oral topical steriod may also take down the inflammation, but you will need to have that prescribed. Although a dentist is probably fine for diagnosis and first line treatment of this, in the end, should you need advanced treatment and have it removed you will end up seeing an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist, but you probably already know all that.

A aspriing doctor friend of mine had one of these and apparently remove it herself! Weird, I guess she knew what she was doing. :slight_smile:

I get clogged salivary ducts a lot… Not stones, but yes… they have gotten really, really clogged before… And they clog immediately! To the point that it makes my cheeks look like they are going to explode. lol The doctor said they only see about one or two of those a year, and lots of idiot spectators were watching my face all swollen up like a squirrel with a mouthful of nuts… Sour candy is about the only solution, and it is not pain free… it is painful to make oneself salivate… but it does work.

Update: I got some antibiotics for the infected salivary gland, and they are helping, albeit slowly, and the cold/flu is slowly getting better in its own slow time. I’m still uncomfortable getting out of bed, but I’m at least feeding myself (it’s really hard to eat when you can’t get the energy to get out of bed). I’m REALLY grateful for the pump, because it’s feeding me my basal whether I think of it or not, and it’s a bit easier to think of boluses when the food (mostly hot tea) is in front of me.
Thanks for all your good wishes and information!
Natalie ._c-

Sorry to her about all your troubles. At least the BG are fine considering. Mine go to the moon when there is trouble most of the time except the last cold. Go figure.

I’m glad it’s slowly getting better, Natalie, does not sound like fun at all. For me I know I’m really sick when I don’t feel like reading; usually nothing short of an A-bomb will get my nose out of a good book. Luckily, I’ve only been sick like that a few times in my whole life. I don’t get sick, I just get conditions.

Hope you get back to health ASAP.

My BGs are bouncing all over the place from 59 to 216. I haven’t been eating much because it hurts too much to swallow. I’m trying to drink liquids to keep myself hydrated, but not much choice there, unless I want to try fruit juices OOOOWWWW!!!
As Gerri said, I’m thinking of calling an oral surgeon on Monday – maybe get the thing taken out!
Natalie ._c-

What a huge relief to have that rock removed. Make it into a pendant!

Oh , my …my hugs coming your way …no tips ; never had this happen and I have a less than a good mouth with teeth .

for what it’s worth, my brother had a stone appear over a short time.

the docs treated it just like you/

they told him to try and massage it out.

for three days straight, he would not let it be alone.

until pop, out it came by massaging.

i wonder if you ask your pharmacist for some local anaesthetic, and your dentist approves, maybe you could coerce it out too.

get some advice before you take my brother’s approach, as yours may be much bigger

fresh lemon.ginger.cloves and cinnimon and honey in hot water ( like a home made tea)

I only use fresh ingredients except the cloves.

I thick slice of lemon, which gives you vitamins and is an astringent for all the "gunk"

5 cloves which is a natural pain reliever…(has a touch of a numbing effect)

1/2 tsp of cinnimon… which helps with stablizing blood sugars

a few slices of fresh ginger…which…among many other healing qualities, gives you the energy you need to help fight infection. And if you are allowed to have honey… 1 tsp of liquid honey as it is a natural antibiotic.

All these ingredients are per large coffee mug.

3 x per day.

This is what I use for myself and my family… give it a shot!

Oh no bless your heart!!! I hope you get to feeling better very soon!