Snacking in Increments

I was just wondering if anyone else does this…

Some snacks make my sugars goes waay high- for example granola bars.
I figured when im about 80 its time to eat a snack so i dont get too low. But since most snacks make my bg levels pretty high IF i eat one all at once. the only thing i thought of doing was splitting up my snack.
I’ll eat half a granola bar and about 1/2 to an hour later im starting to get low again- ill eat the other half. hence, why i call it increment snacking :wink:
Is anyone as weird as i am? or does anyone have any suggestions/comments?

Thanks and take care everyone :wink:

You aren’t weird :slight_smile: . I find I have a lot more control over my appetite and my sugars if I am constantly grazing - small breakfast, lunch and dinner, and small snacks throughout the day. I rarely go over 2 hours without eating, but I spread those calories and carbs throughout the day.

What about lower-carb snacks, like cheeses or olives or veggies? But don’t wait till your sugar is uncomfortably low, or you will need the higher carbs, in which case your half a granola bar sounds like a better idea.

I just did this the other day. Ate half a Zone bar b/c I knew I’d be eating dinner in a couple hours.

Granola bars are full of sugar. I’m not going to say you should not eat them, but it certainly is going to be difficult to control your blood glucose if you choose to. You may want to try what they call a super-bolus, where you turn down the basal rate on your pump for an hour or two, and take a very large bolus before you eat the sweet treat.

You can read a little more about it here: