Started new Pump

I suspect that they are rather hamstrung in the USA by the FDA. On this side of the pond, the 640G has been out for nearly a year now. The latest version of the Enlites, used in conjunction with the algorithms in the new pump are still not quite as accurate as the Dexcom G4 and they don’t seem to last as long, but the information that I have from the 640G pumpers that I know is that the new Smartguard low glucose prediction and suspend system really does work to prevent hypos and with a bit of tweaking also avoids the post-basal-suspension bounce that was a problem with the Veo.

I have talked to some of Medtronic’s senior UK reps. They are aware of some of the shortcomings of the Enlite compared to the Dexcom and are desperate to improve the situation. I suspect that they are also frustrated that they cannot marked the 640G in the US. If and when they can further tweak the performance of the Enlite to bring it up to the standard of the Dexcom G4 the Enlite/640G system (or more likely the 670G which is in the pipeline), will be far in advance of what any of the other manufacturers are currently offering.
