Starting over after 23 years

I am a type 1 diabetic and have been so for over 23 years. I need some advice or words of wisdom on this particular matter. I have extremely unhappy with my previous doctors and in 2 weeks will be going to a new doctor. Here is the thing, I want to start over! I want to go into the doctor’s office and have them treat me like I have just been diagnosed. Is that weird? I feel like I have been following the same routine and guidelines that I was given years ago and I know that there are so many different ways of treating this disease. What do I say to the doctor? Do I just tell them what i have told you all? Will they do that? I figure since it is a new doctor anyways they wouldn’t have a problem with it. Any advice?

Doesn’t seem at all weird to me, in fact it sounds totally sensible! Get all the input you can from the new endo without ‘coloring’ it with what you’ve been doing. Take his/her advice home, and decide what you want to keep doing and what you want to change.

Good luck!

Seems like a great idea. The new doctor may appreciate that approach.

I don’t think it sounds weird… I’d ask if you can be treated as if you are new, and start over with the education and extra help you get… it might just be exactly what you need :slight_smile:

I “started over” three years ago, soon after I joined TuDiabetes. I went to a new endo, and I went to a CDE and a RD with a type 2 friend of mine. The CDE was especially fantastic, I’d never been to one before and she really figured out what was going on.

I think any time you switch doctors it is a “new start.” You have to develop the relationship with the doctor and their office. You have to learn their quirks and their way of thinking, just as they have to learn yours. If you go into it with an open mind and discuss your feeling with the doc, laying everything out in the open, it will help everyone. I always bring a list of things that I have done, changed and want to discuss with the doctor. If you sit down and type out what you would like from the meeting it will give you a way to provide them with the best information about what you want. Some doctors would thing this is overbearing, but I think that a lot would appreciated that your desire to change your habits and accept their advice.

I think that you need to say to him, that you want to treat this as a new start, as if just diagnosed and for him to explain to you about it again. What treatment schedules he recommends, about testing, sick day rules etc etc. You are right, you do tend to get stuck in a rut, find things do not work or do work and wonder why things go wrong … even if he tells you something you know, just politely nod, and make a mental note of it and ask questions if you need to.

Don’t, whatever you do bring your dissatisfaction with your previous doctors. That would get his back up. If he does ask you why you have changed just say to him that you had been with the same doctors for the duration and that you feel you would like a fresh aspect on it, saying that he might have some ideas that you had not thought of.

You are not weird. I have also not had much doctor input for several years - lots of problems with doctors cancelling, one general doctor does not want to discuss diabetes etc. But now I have found a hospital some 45 miles bus ride away who will support my decision and choice to use pork insulins and my refusal to entertain the idea of going back on human insulins, and they are also willing to tackle my hypo unawareness!