Symlin...... I can't

Went to my Endo today in Wichita, Ks… We talked about Symlin… Before I went, I took a Gastic Emptying Time Test… A test you have to do before you get on Symlin… My Endo told me I can’t get on Symlin, I would have a severe low blood sugars reaction because my stomach empties slower then a normal person… Then talked about my blood sugars… Plus did some changes to my insulin pump…We talked about the Dexcom Seven… They gave me some information on it… I’m going to call Dexcom tomorrow and ask questions… Already have a list…

I think that’s good that your Endo did a test before allowing you to go on Symlin. Symlin can have very negative affects on some people (including severe lows). The Dexcom (or any other CGMS) are great tools. Maybe that’s the direction you’ll need to go.