Take Action Now: Stem Cell Guidelines

We need you to take action! The NIH has released draft guidelines for embryonic stem cell research and is currently gathering public comments. Submit your comments in support of NIH stem cell research guidelines here, http://takeaction.jdrf.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=24941.0

Last month President Obama signed an Executive Order, which lifted previous federal funding restrictions on stem cell research. Although this action was a great victory for those of us in search of a cure for type 1 diabetes, our job is not done!

As part of the Executive Order, President Obama instructed the NIH to issue guidelines governing this research. You can view the NIH’s draft guidelines online at http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/E9-9313.htm. The draft guidelines would permit federal funding for research using stem cells derived from embryos created by in-vitro fertilization and no longer needed for reproductive purposes. The draft guidelines also would ensure that embryos utilized for embryonic stem cell research were donated under the highest ethical standards. While JDRF supports these guidelines, we would encourage the NIH to extend funding eligibility to currently-funded stem cell lines and existing lines that were derived according to prevailing ethical guidelines.

There are three easy steps to follow for you to submit your comments to NIH at http://takeaction.jdrf.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=24941.0

Thank you!

JDRF Government Relations