Taking a test where nothing is allowed, only the clothes you are wearing Vs Diabetes supplies

ahmad, i know what you mean. i’m an artist and whenever i am working on something creative i need to take handfuls of glucose tablets while i am working and suspend my basal. my endo and i talked about it. what with the brain being the only body part that can suck up glucose without insulin, some people find that working on a creative or intellectual problem lowers glucose rapidly.
maybe next time you have to do something similar, reduce your basal or start with a higher than normal BG?

Thanks for this; I hadn’t caught this when I checked out ETS’s site. I agree with you on applying for the accommodations. I’d rather have a small accommodation (e.g. allowing me a snack or my meter) than go low in the middle of the test and have my scores go down the toilet…or worse.

Fantastic Emily! When I was first diagnosed, my neighbor was a graduate student in a PA program. She was very nice and I’ve since developed a great deal of respect for PAs. :slight_smile: Good luck!