The Holidays and controling your sugar

How many of you out there can resist temptation with all the good food during the holidays.The pies,the candy,the starches.I can resist some of it but not all.The candy I can live without because I’m not too much for it anymore but the pies,the stuffing(especially if it’s homemade) the sweet potatoes are some of the items I love the most.What are your opinions or any bad experiences that you may have had that you now regret.

I completely understand the draw of temping sugar and carb laden foods. Everyone in my family is a good cook, and food is central to our Holiday gatherings.

My Mom makes this fruit salad consisting of canned pineapple, canned mandarin oranges, sliced bananas and maraschino cherries, all topped with a pudding-made-with-pinapple juice sauce. It’s amazing, and a family favorite, and Mom only makes it for Holidays. Last year I had a wee small bowl (or two) and my sugar shot up well over 300. Like almost immediately. And then stayed there. I got so frustrated. I had worked so hard staying low-carb and small-portioned to allow myself that treat, and it still came back and bit me. ARGH!
So no fruit salad this year.

Maybe I’ll just have a bowl of mandarin oranges (the no added sugar kind) and pretend. . .

My mom used to make bread pudding.A lot of family and friends would go after that before anything else.So as the years went by she made more of it because she knew it was the favorite.