The little things that make us happy

Don't you just love it when you poke your finger and get the exact drop size of blood for your test strip? Most times I get too much, and have to clean extra blood from finger, or it's too small so i have to squeeze harder to get more, or give up and stab another finger. But just now, i had one of those rare perfect sized drops.. it made me so happy! Then i realized how ridiculous it is that i'm happy about bleeding myself onto a tiny stick. Sigh, such a strange ritual, this diabetes thing...

When 100 shows up on my meter, I go around the house happily waving it! Yep, a little bit strange...

Haha! That is another great one! I rarely see an exact 100, and if i do i'm usually thinking "where is my camera?! I must document this!" then I get distracted and forget...

I go with Trudy an exact 100 makes me smile. I never really thought about taking a pic but that's a good idea! Thanks!! I might just do that the next time 100 shows up on my meter! LOL!