The pump novolog and no results!

My endo actually is not the one who wanted me on the pump. My MD ordered it and then sent me to an endo. My endo is out on maternity leave and cannot get any feedback. Just her nurse on Thursdays so I might get to talk to her tomorrow. Yeah I have injected after fasting by what my sugar is. A correction dose in other words, as much as 30 units and it might go down a few points maybe 10. It just differs at times, I think I must be alien or something,LOL. My clinical manager acts like she gets mad when I talk to my Dr. about changing meds. she is getting under my skin. Depending on what happens tomorrow I just might be asking for another one. Except for her service is great. I have indeed tried different batches of novolog, especially since I use so much, still get the same results. I just feel like giving up and letting it go right now. Just so frustrated.

Well I was on Humalog which is a tier 3 on my insurance so I switched to novolog as as a tier2 and I dont feel it works as well as the humalog did also my pancreas is DEAD and i am super insulin resistant i am not saying its all the insulin type but i do elieve some brands work better then others for whatever reason. I am also on the omnipod maybe just try a different insulin and different sets and see


You probably just need a LOT of insulin.

My friend with the extremely high insulin resistance ended up using the high concentration insulin (U500) then when she got stabilized, her doctor put her on Byetta and the insulin/byetta combo drove her insulin dose WAY down. She is still insulin resistant, but at a more normal rate for a Type 2.

That kind of creative thinking from a doctor is what you will need if you are very IR.

Unforunately, doctors don’t often know what causes the extreme IR. Have you been evaluated for Cushing’s Disease? That is one explanation. My friend has a history of a very unusual, peculiar brian syndrome which may explain hers.

I use Novalog in my pump with great results, but it took a while to get things working. Also, when I first started using a pump I will admit I did not watch my carbs and diet as well because I thought my pump would help with that…LOL. I would say either the vial was bad, or you need to check your BS more so that you do not go so high over a longer course of time.

No I have never heard of cushing’s disease. I was on byetta insulin combo but that was working a little but when the byetta wore off my sugars would go back up and the novolog I injected at the time was not keeping it down. I also was taking 180 units of Lantus a day plus gluburide. That is why my doc put me on a pump but the novolog in it still is not controlling it even though it is 24/7. My pancreas is crapped out. Actually it always has been, I don’t get it. I used to be on the highest dose of metformin you could take also and they took me off of it because it did nothing. Geez! I am a puzzle. A frustrating one!

I write down every carb I eat and all boluses and report back. I also check my blood sugar 10 times a day. Fingers so callused. LOL

it takes a while for you body to adjust, right when i started the pump my sugars went a bit whack because i was still testing and adjusting my basals and insulin carb ratios. you’ll get the hang of it

Dear Cathy.

Wow this is an extreme case of insulin resistance and I thought mine was bad at 100 units of insulin per day. Strange to combine 180 units of lantus with glyburide. You would figure that with so much lantus it would mean your pancreas is toast in addition to being extremely insulin resistant. It makes some sense to combine so much insulin treatment with metformin or avandia but glyburide beats me!

Too bad that it is not clearly known what causes insulin resistance but cortisol is a prime suspect. I would very strongly second Jenny’s suggestion of testing for Cushing’s disease which causes an excess of cortisol. I tried to have the test done many years ago and the endo mushed it so I never got a proper result. It was something called a dexamethasome something or rather. I will demand a proper repeate of this when I see my Endo.

Unfortunately Cushing’s is not the only source of cortisol in the body. Stress is also very good at producing it. Lack of sleep, frustration at not being able to control BG is a major cause and a million of other day to day crap. You could also try some diazepam ( I found this to be the best of all oral anti-diabetic pills) in an appropriate dose just to see how much stress contributes to your resistance or whatever else reduces stress for you.

Again look at my previous post the advice there applies to your case for sure since resistance is the cause of your trouble and plumbing problems with the pump may not be ( but make sure).

Stay in touch we could be twins. We should start a blog re what to do about insulin resistance. Richard a type 1 on this site had sucessby adding avandia to the mix.

Yes Anthony we could write that blog couldn’t we. LOL Yes the cushing’s syndrome makes some since to me also. I might ask about it if my Dr. does not dismiss it. You know how dr.'s are sometimes.

My clinical worker has finally came to her since and figured out this is not working and is trying to get ahold of my endo or her nurse to see what different we should do or add. So maybe hopefully something good will happen to change this crappy situation. Wish me luck! Still super curious about that test. Thanks Jenny for bringing this to my attention. I will ask about this.

Keep being pro-active …cannot recall reading , please clue me in without having to re- read the responses…is thyroid OK ??

Dear Cathy

Rare disease but worthwhile to find out at least one would know why this super high resistance. Possibly something can be done about it. I think in my case the Endo dimissed it by botching the test.

Otherwise de-stressing yourself would also help, in my case also but have no idea how. I was not joking that valium is the most effective oral anti-diabetic. Hard to keep your cool in a situation like this.

Best of luck keep us informed.

Dear Nel

Do you know anyone with high insulin resistance because of thyroid problems?

It sounds like you may need to move to U500 insulin instead of U100

Yeah maybe then I could slow down on the cartridge changes too. Pump companies don’t like to discuss it to much because it is not an all approved insulin for it, but it is however used in pumps if the endo prescribes it.

I suppose that in a choice of evils keeping the BG close to the normal range with massive amounts of U-500 is the way to go. But won’t your weight skyrocket on so much stuff? I am worried there is such a thing as an insulin death spiral. Then some people believe that getting the BG in the normal range reduces insulin resitance so maybe the high test is in order.

I can see why something mechanical is not approved for the high test stuff.

I have pumped U500 for quite a long time. I didn’t gain weight from it. But everyone is different

That is good news. Does anyone have any idea why you graduated to U-500.?

not much of an explanation except better control and had to do site changes every day on U100

No, I do not know anyone , because I have never asked the question Anthony . That’s why I posed the question to Cathy , I am here to learn …I will ask around .I suppose by your question …you are not having " insulin resistance because of thyroid problems " , correct ??

Dear Nel.

You can’t be 100% sure but I think that TSH, T3 and T4 were in the normal range. Try and find out what people do for their insulin resistance. In my case exercise is a real winner but more than 1 hour per day would be needed and I am too out of shape to do more.