This is scary! Pump malfunction

The infusion set should definitely be changed every 3 days, I didn’t do this at first and caused myself a lot of scar tissue. I don’t see any reason to change the reservoir until it’s empty though, I have even used a tube up to a week without problems. The infusion set, reservoir and tube do not have to be changed at the same time regardless of what Medtronic says. In any event, none of this has to do with what may or may not have happened in this case. I would suspect the majority of these issues are user error, but wouldn’t doubt that these devices can, while rare, malfunction and cause someone serious injury or death.


My Animas Ping has a maximum dose setting as well as a maximum daily amount that limit the amount of insulin that it can pump out in both instances. Both are set by the user and CAN be changed. Doesn’t Minimed have such limitations on their pumps?

Yes, they have a max bolus setting. I’m not sure about a max basal. This doesn’t sound like a basal malfunction though.

Like @katers87 says, there is a max bolus setting. The factory preset is pretty conservative–like 10 units or less. The maximum the pump allows is 25.

So very sad to lose another person to an overnight low. One of my coworkers lost her type 1 son using MDI from an overnight low. A completely healthy 25 yer old young man gone due to a low.
I have been pumping for around 27 years and have never had any of these problems. Before CGM’s I would not change an infusion set before bed because I had no way to know what was happening overnight. But now with a CGM, I don’t worry about it knowing the CGM will wake me up.
It is so sad how people don’t realize how deadly this disease is and how quickly it can go from fine to a medical crisis.
God bless to this poor family and I hope we can all stay safe as we continue to fight our battles.