This is unusual system behavior

Thanks for that, timothy. This was several months ago. What happened?

I set the basals high so I would trend low. That allowed me to eat using a large bolus w/o getting super high postprandial. I was so busy at my new job that I barley ate for the first 2-4 weeks after all. I just kept an eye on it for lows.

Eventually, after 3 months, I gained ten pounds so that the insulin doses were appropriate.

I told my body what basal I wanted and it adjusted my weight appropriately. Numbers have been good, but I’m somewhat fat. Acceptable result, I guess.

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That is 100 percent true. My weight depends on how much insulin I am using although I go bytotal daily dose. Since starting my T2 I started gaining a tiny bit of weight over 2 years that accumulated to more than 15 lbs. so to lose weight, I ate less, but I also lowered my basal rates. insulin is like this horrible cycle, you eat more and you need more insulin, then insulin makes you hungrier, and the added weight makes you need more insulin, then you end up gaining weight and needing more and more insulin. I had to purposely break the cycle
I went back to the basal rates I had before tslim. I fasted 24 hours to get my true basal rates. I’m also on the mastering diabetes diet which is healthier for me and also reduces insulin requirements