Tips? Tricks? Advice for a newbie

ok! After a glass of wine;)
Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll update later for the others that might read this while being a little freaked out. Somehow, though, it doesn’t seem to matter how many people say it’s not bad until you can say it yourself from experience!

Completely agreed!

a glass of wine might be a good idea, too :slight_smile:

the first time i gave myself an injection i lit candles, drank a beer, and put g. love and special sauce on the stereo. then i sat in my bathroom until i could work up the courage to put that needle in … and of course, it was fine. it seems like every new gadget gets a bit easier!

Totally fine!! There was a bit of blood though and I don’t know if that’s normal but went ahead with the start-up. Did you notice any?
Now onto figuring out how to get it on my arm by myself one day…or some other hard to reach spot!

A little blood is fine, as long as it stops bleeding…it’s pretty normal!
Yep, I did the wine thing too, for the first insertion…

When I say “this may take some effort” I mean…

  1. pulling back the plunger after you have inserted the needle
  2. actually taking off the awkward inserter…
  3. clicking in the transmitter
  4. ripping off that little tab

I am almost ready to try my arms…I’ll let you know how it goes next week when I’m ready to change!