To control hypertension, adults prefer tea, pills over exercise

Adults asked about controlling hypertension said they are more inclined to take a daily pill or drink tea rather than exercise, according to results of an abstract presented at the American Heart Association’s Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Scientific Sessions.

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I can’t say this surprises me, but at the same time shows that people perceive exercise as a punishment, but maybe instead of keep pushing “exercise” perhaps encouraging people to spend more time outdoors.

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I drink tea every morning, because I like it (can’t stand the taste of coffee). My bp runs too low because of a pill I need to take each night that drops my bp (I don’t have high bp, even without the pill) It would be interesting to see if my lightheadness from low bp would diminish if I skipped the tea. Now all I have to do is figure out how to avoid the craving for my morning tea!! :slight_smile: