TuDiabetes is a place where

Omg I do that all the time!

TuDiabetes is a place where you can talk about how to bring your numbers in control after eating pizza while also talking about your favorite music groups. Its a place where you can balance your diabetes and your normal social life.

TuDiabetes is a place where people just plain understand…I don’t think there’s anything more to it!

TuDiabetes is a place where my friends are just like me!


So many of the posts here begin, “TuDiabetes is a place”… that I think we’ve passed the “Velveteen Rabbit” test. We’re not just live, we are Real. And yeah, that was worthy of a blog post.

Hello! Tu community is a place were. You reach out to so many families around the WORLD! And you connect to them as friends and not even know it sometimes.Just think what will we be talking about when we all are CURED!!! Take care and thanks MANNY YOU ROCK!! diabeticidol94

LOL!! Hope we don’t get anyone in trouble. :smiley:

When we’re all cured, we are going to have to rename the community!!! :smiley:

i’ll still be here. “sigh”

TuDiabetes is the place where you can find the most inspiring, and authentic creative expression how life is with diabetes.

From pictures and to interactive initiatives (like this one). From children’s drawings to blog posts. There are no boundaries for spontaneous creativity in our family.

I do that everyday! Mulipule times a day

What can I say that hasn’t been said or thought of already? I consider myself still relatively new to this site, but it’s been almost a year. I think what I have gathered here, is the strength of the people who are battling this disease, without giving in.
I knew I wasn’t alone, but I thought that the only person who could help me or give me some kind of support was my medical team, most decisions were up to them, because diabetics don’t fight the system. I have learned that in the end, when all is said and done, we are definitely in charge of ourselves. We make the decisions with the information provided by our team, and then the information that we ourselves gleen from reading, researching, and talking within our own group. I am stronger than I thought only because Tudiabetes is here. You all are my strength.

Where I learned (from Lizmarie?) that I am “too blessed to be stressed!”

where i can talk and meet great friends and all know what i’m talking about

Tudiabetes is a place where a person can go and just “be” without having to explain about everything. A place where acceptance is the rule and knowledge is power

…where I learn what’s really goin’ on.

Tudiabetes is a place........... where I felt whole again. And got some great info on how to care for myself and other's.

Yum, yum. And you know that your type 1 friends on the other side of the world and awake and (supposed to be) working.