Guys, I know that you're tired of hearing about this, but I'm still struggling with how to control my blood sugar during intense exercise.
first of all, I use to be on the Omni pod because #1, I hate attaching things to my body, #2 that pump is too high maintenance, #3 the deductibles were too high. # 4 I really didn't think that it was that much more of an advantage over just syringe and vial. #5 I was having the same issues even with the pump so I think its me and my lack of knowledge and not so much the type of insulin delivery that I chose to use.
These are all just my opinions, so please don't be offended...
with that being said, here is the scenario...
I run about 12 miles a week. But, I find that I'm hitting a wall at the end of my runs...when I do my post-exercise bg check, I'm either too low or too high.
I generally run in the morning before work (approximately 400am in the morning.) the night before my last meal is usually around 8pm. I will take 20 units of levimir at 9pm and then hit the sack. I will get up about 12am to check my bg. I will take my correction insulin dosage for any adjustments that need to be made. I'll go back to bed and wake up at 4am. my bg is most of the time in good shape between 100-130. I will run a 5k, return home and my BG will be 50-75 points higher.
So i reasoned that my liver was possibly doing a glycogen dump and that the levimir simply couldn't handle it. So I started taking 1 to 2 units of novolg approximately 10 minutes before my morning run. That seemed to work out okay. eventhough sometimes i may get hypo from using too much. But the problem is that I'm constantly trying to predict and compensate for glycogen release. Sorry for the long rant, but does this make any sense to anyone. Or, is there another way. Is basal insulin supposed to cover glycogen (from carb loading)?
Speaking of glycogen and carb is another issue that I'm having. If I carb load, does it really matter where the carbs come from?? I hear a lot about the glycemic index and sustained energy, etc. But if I'm eating carbs now in preparation for a run tomorrow, does it really matter whether the carb is whole grain pasta or gummy bears candy?
It all gets stored if not used, and then released as glycogen later right? The sustained energy concept to me seems to only apply if you need energy right now, but spread out over a period of time.
somebody help!! I've been a diabetic for 7 years, and i still can't figure this thing out. my Endo is a good guy, but he's overweight and obviously has no interest in exercising. I need some advice from some experienced athletes that can guide me in the right direction.