Type 1 diabetes and personal theories of how it developed

Thank you, carb101. If I’d the strength at the time, I would have ended it all. Fortunately, it taught me a valuable lesson in asking for help before it was too late.

And I’ll take this opportunity to hijack and offer to anyone who cares… if you have had chicken pox and are under extreme stress, please be aware of the possibility of developing shingles. Shingles can be excruciatingly painful because the [previously dormant] chicken pox virus reactivates under stress and attacks the nerve paths – which no pain killer can touch. Be watchful too for your elders – they’re highly susceptible.

I had shingles when I was in my late 20s too, was also under stress (work-related). It IS painful, I agree!

Wow, caprifoglio!

You know, as young as we were, I think it’s youthful resilience that got us through that pain. I can’t begin to imagine what it must be like for an elderly individual to endure…

This is almost enough to make me want to start a new TuD group – we could call ourselves Dingles!

Only if we’re from that part of Ireland! LOL!

However, this does make make me wonder about how stress affects some people’s health… I don’t want to think of myself as “delicate,” but maybe in some ways I am – don’t break me, PLEASE! (sorry, just trying to laugh at myself)

Thanks for all the responses. I tend to work in theory more than reality anyhow. Theory’s more interesting.

i had a pneumonia… and soon after i was diagnosed with t1 i was 12… about a year or year and a half after it btw… but i remember going to my mom and begging her to make me something to eat i was really weak and hungry… who knew my sugar was low…

Here are some things: (don’t know if ANY of them matter!)

1.) Had a 106 fever when I was a baby
2.) I had hyperthyroidism which was “due to hormones” when I was 15…I was on meds and the issue was
3.) Got the Gardasil vaccine at age 20.
4.) Last year (age 22) I was diagnosed.

I’d be really interested in possible links to the Gardasil…

I had the worst flu of my life about 6-9 months prior to DX. Was down for 3 weeks or so. I asked for snacks nightly the month before DX which my mom found odd. Then ■■■■, drink, sleep, ■■■■, drink, sleep. Suprise!

I had an incredibly stressful job where I had migraines 4-5 days a week. I also worked for a raging alcoholic, although at the time, I wasn’t quite sure what her issue was, but figured it out after the fact. I was fired after 9 months because my raging alcoholic attorney/boss lost a major client, who provided close to 90% of my work. I was a paralegal. 6 months to the day, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 28. Although I cannot prove it, I’m sure the job did it to me.

Oh PS…i forgot to mention that i got in a bad car accident 3 months before diagnoses…I wasn’t hurt but it was definitely a stressful event.

Law firms have a way of doing that… ask SFPete and me!