Type 1 Diabetes School Project

  1. What is your age and gender?
    26, Female

  2. How long have you been living with type 1 diabetes?
    17 years

3.Do you have a pump?

  1. Do you prefer to control your type 1 diabetes with shots or a pump? Why?
    pump because with it, I can manage my diabetes better… give more accurate doses, correct easily & discretely…

  2. What is the hardest thing about living with type 1 diabetes?
    that it’s so unpredictable. We can follow all the “rules,” test, eat right, take the right dose of insulin… and still end up being way too high or too low.

  3. What is your biggest worry or fear about living with type 1 diabetes?
    complications! Being denied opportunities (for example- to adopt).

  4. Is there anything else you would like me to know about living with type 1 diabetes? If so what?
    there are NO days off!

  1. What is your age and gender? 33F
  2. How long have you been living with type 1 diabetes? 22 yrs 2 mths
    3.Do you have a pump? yes
  3. Do you prefer to control your type 1 diabetes with shots or a pump? pump Why? Less hassle and better control.
  4. What is the hardest thing about living with type 1 diabetes? The stigmas that go with it, like people saying “you can’t eat that, you’re diabetic.”
  5. What is your biggest worry or fear about living with type 1 diabetes? The possibility of not being able to be there for my kids one day when they need me.
  6. Is there anything else you would like me to know about living with type 1 diabetes? If so what? It is a part of my life and has been for over 22 years now. You never really get used to it, but you get used to dealing with it. Some days are harder than others and things frustrate you more on some days than others. I always look at it that someone else is worse off than I am and I depend on God to get me through each day.

Good luck with your report.

  1. What is your age and gender?..Female , in my 69 th year
  2. How long have you been living with type 1 diabetes?.. Diagnosed Jan . 1983…26 years ago ; I was 42 1/2
    3.Do you have a pump? …Yes , Medtronic 522 and wear sensor regularly
  3. Do you prefer to control your type 1 diabetes with shots or a pump? Why? …YES with pump ; better quality of life with more flexibility with meal plan and times of eating ( or not ) ; easier to travel through time zones ; hypoglycemic awareness better controlled ( drivers licence was revoked prior to pumping ) …am able to do marathons and other fund rasing events on a regular basis …no headaches and sickly feelings at wake up time .
  4. What is the hardest thing about living with type 1 diabetes?..lots of work attending to my well being .
  5. What is your biggest worry or fear about living with type 1 diabetes?..short term fear :tomorrow’s visit with my new GP and finding out about my A1C result …long term : having contineous high/lo BS …I understand the consequences .
  6. Is there anything else you would like me to know about living with type 1 diabetes? If so what? …lots of work ahead with politicians , general public to create awareness about this chronic disease . Some with this chronic disease will suffer from depression and the consequences related are not pleasant .Thanks to you and your family to be involved with this school project …all the best to you !!
  1. 20 and M.
  2. dx 2 years ago; sick for years before that- my guess is a total of about 6 years.
  3. nope
  4. shots. I have a nasty skin reaction to adhesives and pumping isn’t worth that.
  5. It gets harder to tell whether I’m sick because of diabtes or because of something else.
  6. I’m afraid that I’ll have kids and then die when they’re young; and I’m afraid that I won’t do enough because of being afraid of dying too soon.
  7. I would like for people not to talk about cures with me unless they are first willing to try to understand what I live with. I don’t like when people react to knowing that I have diabetes by telling me how to get rid of it. Because 1) you should listen about how my life is before telling me to stop being so different, and 2) they’re always wrong.
  1. What is your age and gender? 22 Female
  2. How long have you been living with type 1 diabetes? Year and a half. I had all the symptoms, but sometimes think my MRSA i had earlier might have contributed to discovering my diabetes.
    3.Do you have a pump? No, to expensive
  3. Do you prefer to control your type 1 diabetes with shots or a pump? Why? I use shots because i don’t have insurance, i’ve heard the pump is easier to control your blood sugar
  4. What is the hardest thing about living with type 1 diabetes? figuring out what to eat and how much medicine to take.
  5. What is your biggest worry or fear about living with type 1 diabetes? If i’ll be able to live a normal life with a disease that won’t hold me back, and i don’t want to worry about complications and high hospital bills.
  6. Is there anything else you would like me to know about living with type 1 diabetes? If so what: Alot of people don’t have insurance and the proper education to manage their diabetes. A lot of diabetics go through denial when first diagnosed, along with guilt and anger. Sometimes the feelings can come up when you having bad days. Diabetes is a blessing in disguise but at the same time it something nobody wants. Sometimes the stress of scheduling, counting and carbs, and juggling medicine can be hard, but the reward is good health with little to none complication.
  1. Female, 32
  2. 30 years this April
  3. No
  4. I use twice daily shots. I find that this doesn’t interfere with my day to day life/work and allows me to live life to the full whilst still maintaining great control (last HBA1c was 4.9!!).
  5. As I’ve had this thing since I was 3, it’s been all I know so I don’t find it too hard. I think the hardest thing is sticking to a schedule for mealtimes, having to test before doing anything out of the ordinary and remembering to take all my equipment with me when I go away somewhere!!
  6. Probably the same fear as most people here, the big C - complications. I’ve been lucky so far in not having any and I’d like it to stay that way but I dread the day when a doctor tells me I have something wrong…
  7. Diabetes shouldn’t stop you from doing anything - I spent a year travelling round Australia, have been to university, work and do everything a non-diabetic would. It’s not the end, it just means you have to take care of yourself!

Thank you so much for the great information. I am in a trial at the hospital where my brother is being treated. It is for relatives of people with type 1 diabetes and they want to use the info. to help people not develop type 1 diabetes. I think trials are important too. All of your info. will really help. Thanks, Sara

Thank you for replying. Thanks for sharing information and your feelings. It will really help. Sara

  1. What is your age and gender?
    9 years old / female
  2. How long have you been living with type 1 diabetes?
    Almost 4 years
    3.Do you have a pump?
  3. Do you prefer to control your type 1 diabetes with shots or a pump? Why?
    Pump because I get better control and more flexibility
  4. What is the hardest thing about living with type 1 diabetes?
    You can never relax. You always have to be alert. Also, people don’t understand how much work it is just to stay healthy.
  5. What is your biggest worry or fear about living with type 1 diabetes?
    I worry I will get sick or that I won’t get to live a long, healthy life.
  6. Is there anything else you would like me to know about living with type 1 diabetes? If so what?
    It’s a lot of work and it never goes away. You never get a break from diabetes, not even for a day.

Thank you for replying. The doctor I interviewed said the same thing about there being no holiday from diabetes. I know it must be hard. You have really helped me. Thanks again, Sara

Thanks for replying. You made some awesome points about the positive side of living w/ T1 diabetes. You have really helped me. :slight_smile: Sara

Thanks so much for replying. I am in a trial now. I know how important funding and research are. I will vote and get my family to vote too. Thanks for all the information and for offering to help more. I’ll let you know if I need more help. Thanks again, Sara

Thanks for replying. You sound really cool. My family knows all about a1c levels and yours is awesome. I am glad you are doing so well. It is encouraging. :slight_smile: Sara

Thanks for replying. I am sorry you found out that way. My brother found out before he got dka but he still had to be in the hospital to learn about his diabetes. Thanks for sharing info. and your feelings. It really helps me. :slight_smile: Sara

Thanks for replying. Not being able to adopt stinks! I didn’t know that. Thanks for all of the info. It really helps. :slight_smile: Sara

Thanks for replying. Thanks for sharing your feelings with me. All of the info. really helps. :slight_smile: Sara

Thanks for replying. I bet you have seen a lot of changes in care over 64 years. Thank you for helping me with my project. :slight_smile: Sara

Thank you so much for replying and encouragement. I want people to understand type 1 diabetes. I hope my project helps with that. You have helped me a lot. :slight_smile: Sara

Thanks so much for replying. Sharing your opinions and feelings with me will help me a lot with my project. I hope it will help others understand more about T1 diabetes. Thanks, Sara

Thanks so much for replying. You have given me a lot of good info. and made me think about people who don’t have education or the supplies they need. Thanks again for your help. :slight_smile: Sara