Type 1 research reviewed this Thursday

I read about the events posting for this Thursday which is a live interview with Lisa Hepner. She's doing a film about research underway to treat Type 1. It mentions that she will be reviewing work at three labs. Does anyone know which labs she will be covering and what aspect of research they are conducting?



The Human Trial movie is based on ViaCyte, DRI’s BioHub, and Hanuman’s Islet Sheet projects. All 3 of these approaches are on the cusp of the first human trials for encapsulating beta cells and impanting them. Her movie trailer is here. http://thehumantrial.com/

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. The trailer of this movie does a great job of communicating the relentlessness that is D. If this technology can deliver on its promise, it will truly be a breakthrough that has the potential to immeasurably transform our lives. I'll watch closely for any news of these three projects. I sense a Nobel prize in Medicine in the making.

Thanks, Denise! It will be interesting to follow these projects!

And to see the movie!

Best wishes to all!


it sure will be important to see what happens with the trials!

And it was interesting to listen to her. The initial part of the interview was rather general, but the latter part was much more meaningful as she talked about hope for these clinical trials, about a surgeon who deals with the complications of diabetes, and other topics.

just to let you know,Lisajoined us this morning.

What do you mean by she joined us this morning?

Lisa joined the TuD community and is now a member.

That's awesome!


thanks for posting this :) Hoping for a cure and or better treatments soon...