For about a month now my morning BG has been steadily increasing. I’ve been increasing my levemir dosage at night and it has not curbed the trend. This morning it was 165.
My BG at bedtime is usually around 120.
I’ve read about the Dawn Phenomenon, but this is way too high.
Have you done any test in the middle of the night? I had similar things happen where I was dropping low in the middle of the night then bouncing back to numbers often over 200. You may need to actually decrease the levemir, esp if the trend has gotten worse since you increased it.
Do some 2am and 4am tests to see what is going on in the middle of the night to see what is actually going on…
I too am have horrible morning numbers. I am currently on oral meds. Is checking middle of the night a good first course? My doctor is tired of me already. I have been a pain in the (fill in the blank) lately. My day numbers are horrible as well but there will be no adjustments to meds until the 13th.
Hello Chuck Lin. In response to your “Uncontrollable morning highs”: My morning Bg steadily increased (up to 150) on Levemir 4 units at bedtime. (Prior to surgery in July '08 for multiple pancreatic pseudocysts, one of which was compressing a bile duct, I was on Levemir 8 units at bedtime for a few months. My diabetes is associated with pancreatitis and the subsequent surgery–so I’m neither a Type I nor II diabetic. I’m most similar to a Type I. ) My doctor told me not to increase my Levemir dosage to counteract the morning highs as I could be at risk for severe lows during the day. About a week ago I started Januvia (A1C prior 6.9) yet my fasting Bg remained around 125-130 until this morning: 106. Only thing different I did yesterday was take a Super B-Complex with Vitamin C & Folic Acid vitamin (“Helps Convert Food Into Energy” yet that “statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration”) in addition to my daily multivitamin–or else, it could take awhile for the Januvia to kick in. Prior to my surgery, my diet was restricted to a very low fat, low carbs, & low protein–basically, I wasn’t eating much of anything in fear of another pancreatitis attack; I supplemented with the Super B-Complex vitamin and Magnesium, which improves insulin sensitivity and action. So in answer to your question “What should I do?” In my humble opinion: Try a super B-complex w/vitamin C & folic acid vitamin–especially if your are restricting what you eat. However, don’t break the bank buying expensive vitamins as I understand one’s body will only absorb what it needs. I buy the Nature Made brand vitamins when they are on sale: buy-one-get-one free. Best regards, Lucy
Hey Lucy
Wow, that is very interesting… I take the B-complex and C but I take them in the morning… I wonder if that might change if I started taking them at night.
I have tried to test earlier in the morning and saw better results. Maybe I am hitting these lows in the middle of the night as scott suggested.
My nighttime snack is usually a slice of cheese, ham and sometimes a pickle. And usually a couple of pieces of sugar free candy.
So tonight I’ll try to go back to my original Levemir dosage of 6 units, take my B-complex and C get up a little earlier to test. If I can get good results, this might be a good combination to stick to.
Borrow a CGMS from your doctor if possible, and see what’s going on trend-wise each night. That should tell you precisely what is causing the problem. Incidentally, the DP can make it go much higher than 40 points, so it very well could be that.