Used G6 applicators?

So what DO we do with our used G6 applicators? They dont fit in the sharps containers, or if they do, one can only get a few in before it’s full. HELP!

I have always put all my Dexcom applicators directly in the trash. Any problems with that? Only my needles go into s sharps container.


The applicator is its own sharps container.

The purpose of a sharps container is to prevent accidental sticks from used syringes.

The Dexcom applicator has that as built-in functionality.



■■■■ can it

I generally allow them to form a mountain next to my bed until the dog can’t find any where comfortable to sleep. Then, I throw them into the trash.


My wife is an artist and does a lot of work with found objects and unlikely bits and pieces of detritus. She’s made some use of cast-off pump paraphernalia, like the plastic domes from Mio infusion sets, and at one point she thought the tubing from my used sets might be interesting for something, but G6 inserters? Nope. Big, clunky, and useless. Straight to the trash they go.


Ok then. I feel like I have permission now. Thx all


seems like a waste that the g6 applicators are one-time use only

Poor puppy…:dog:


I know! A terrible waste. Whoever designed it needs make it a bit more eco friendly/reuseable.

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Just be happy you have access to this wonderful tech! You all seem like “glass 1/2 empty” folks. Cheer up!

Also, the applicators are not considered “sharps”, for heaven’s sake.


I’m with @Dave44 on this one. The inserter works VERY WELL for me. I will take it how I can get it.
And while I do see it as a waste, and would like it to be reusable, I will happily continue to use what they give me, and throw them away.


Yup, that’s how most people are, which is why global warming will continue. No one cares. I used the G4 inserter for years, and it worked fine with nowhere near the waste. Yeah, it may have hurt a little more, but too bad. I can handle it. Just saying there is enough talent in the engineering world that they can come up with a better design. The time is over to passively accept things as they are. Gotta think more globally


For heavens sake, did you read the instructions for the G6? It says “Throw out applicator following local guidelines for disposal of blood-contacting components.” We can get in trouble for throwing blood contacting components in the trash. So after researching it further myself, I have decided to collect them all in a bag, and take them to County Health for recycling.

:rofl: too funny

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I throw them in the trash. Where they go from there is not my concern



It would be impossible for @Dave44 to have read the instructions for the G6, he currently does not use said G6.


Please spare us your sanctimony.

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The initial question was about the G6. I have no problems with the other inserters.