I’ve been having strange numbers recently. I do have a cold so I think that’s the cause. Today I woke up at 99. I had oatmeal and bolused according to I:C = 1:15 (it’s normally 1:18).
And then I had lunch. I use Novolog and it works about 4 hours and I have a target set to 105 so it seemed like I was going to go low. I wait about 15 minutes between bolusing and eating. I’m confident my basal settings are correct. Do you think I should wait more between bolusing and eating or is it something else?
Sorry I cant answer your question, but i have one… whats “Novolog” (Noobie Here). My numbers are lower 2 hours after i eat, still trying to figure that one out…
Novolog is one of the fast-acting insulins along with Humalog and Apidra. Its activity peaks in about 2 hours and dies out in 3-5, depending on the person. Type 1s use it to cover meals and to provide basal insulin if the person is on a pump.
I’m always higher when I have a cold. many of the cold medicines also make my bgs go sky high so I avoid them, too. but really, those numbers are not that terrible. hope you feel better soon!
Seems reasonable BG considering the very high carb food oatmeal. You can try and bolus and wait 10-15 minutes before eating however keep an eye on hypoglycemia, be ready to eat immediately if your hand starts to shake. Numbers are great except for the one hour and my Endo does not care about those. The more so since you were right back down after 1 1/2 hours.
I think the only problem is that the insulin kinetics is not quite capable of following the blood sugar release from the oatmeal. But since the BGis high for only 2 hours at most it may not be that damaging. If you are a purist you can try some other lower glycemic index breakfast that your insulin matches perfectly otherwise enjoy the oatmeal.