When your cured

oh i make PB pancakes for the kids they look so damn good

me, too Emily.. I would cy and laugh and pray; then I would go to the IHOP and eat whatever I wanted :Blueberry Pancakes with plenty of syrup and coffee with whipped cream and REAL sugar!!! (Just once though, I will continue to eat healthy because I am too vain to get fat )lol

God bless,

I would go to a nice park with my daughters play the whole day run around, without having to worry about going hypo then we would go out for ice cream! nothing major just the fact that I would be able to play with my girls and not have to worry about going low would be perfect :)

They only look that way because they ARE.


I agree. The pancakes would be great, but being able to just "be" without worrying about every little detail would be the best.

I'ld like to try some of that "mindless eating" the media thinks is such an issue. When I hear a report on this I always stop and wonder what it would be like to not think about what you are eating. It is hard to imagine the act of eating as a simple, unadulterated act that doesn't have about 5 other actions/thoughts/processes associated with it.

Wow, the ability to simply EAT.....and nothing else.

I would do everything you do Brunetta...with my pancakes I would have a side of hashbrowns. Then for lunch eat a big plate cheese french fries with ranch dressing and a brownie cheesecake....I wouldnt eat crazy ever day for I do not want a heart attack either, lol...but at least for 2 weeks I would indulge in everything I miss eating...

After reading all these posts, I decided what I would do to celebrate. Nothing. I have a decent diet right now, walk as well as I can, and stop counting carbs. Hey, I might even watch the food network!

Why not have the food blow out anyway,(once in awhile) with a little extra insulin to cover it? Then test every hour or so aftewards to make sure you covered the carbs right and...Voila!-you don't need to feel so deprived with diabetes! Of course, it would be a good idea to compensate with a little extra exercise as well, but then so-called healthy people who have food blow outs should be doing that too!

I will enjoy being free of financial stress

nah.......eat pie!

I'd probably keep checking my bloods just because I'd be nervous that it wasn't really true.

lol I agree the pancakes would be great :) but just being worry free would be the best feeling ever!

use the time I take blood and plan meals to take a nap.

Well, once I was convinced it was true (and that it was just me, not a global thing), I'd probably find someone to donate my stash of D-supplies to, someone who still needs it. Then I'd wonder what other ailments might go away that I could blame D for (will my vision improve? will my hair grow back? and other unmentionables).

I don't think I'd indulge a sweet tooth too much, since I don't have much of one to begin with, and my biggest fear is being cured, binging on ice cream and cheesecake, and dying of a heart attack.

I wouldn't know what to do. I mean I've been a diabetic almost my whole life. I guess I would try to help others understand that this isn't a disease or something bad. I would probably travel a lot more too. Just to get out and see the world. But I just can't imagine my life without this.

I would drink and eat recklessly just to test it out first, assuming I wouldn't strike DKA right after that, if all is well. I would burn, smash up, shoot my test meter, or run it over, and never look back at it again.

I hate this disease

Honestly, just going through a day without having to use insulin would feel like walking on the moon for me. Or test my blood sugar. I won't really gorge out on cheesecake or something - but, if I wanted to have something extra, I wouldn't have to think about blood sugar numbers or any of that stuff.

Just one normal day would be reward enough.

Hopefully this doesn't always remain just a dream - we have to make it a reality. Hopefully, soon.

Optimism: when you have evidence (something you can see and touch) that assures you that things are going to get better..
Hope: when you rely on faith (non tangible) that assures you that things are going to get better...
the evidence show that it is going to be a battle because the drug companies and the test strip companies and the pump companies are fighting to keep any cure from ever coming about..it would put them out of business... and the profit margins are so high...
so what we have left is hope..
there is a great book for those of you experiencing diabetes maintenance exhaustion...as you know, you can't take a vacation from diabetes...polinskys book: diabetes burnout is great...