Word association connection?

A hobo is a tramp to me, who I guess, would often share his bed with spiders.
It is just an association that anyone might make.

@Catlady, The diabetes form is very good and short. Paul Lam reckons if you practice it for 10 minutes every day it will improve your diabetes. Alas for good intentions…
I have not seen the staff form, glad you enjoy it.

how in the HECK did we go from “fish” to “heavy”???

I didn’t think this game was supposed to be random words, but words that come to mind from the previous word.

@chemfreekitten, what is “extinctathon”?

it’s a game in Margaret Atwood’s “Maddaddam Trilogy”
… adam named the animals; maddaddam names the dead ones …

It’s actually a pretty funny series, but you have to like dry humour. and margaret atwood.
Should I change the word back?

Thanks for the back story! Guess I haven’t read any Atwood in quite a while.

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@Chenfreekitten, no don’t change it, made me smile!

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thanks @Pastelpainter and @CatLady06