Yes/No Question

no, no storms right now

the next person has a surprise waiting on them tonight

No, too cold here in the UK

Next person is feeling unbelieveably tired!

Yes, but it is the specialist procrastinating, not me!

You like walking in the countryside

No, the only walking I get is while I play golf, which I do frequently.

You live within a two hour drive of a ski resort.

Ugh No not in West TN

You want some bar-b-que tonight. (That’s pork bar-b-que)

Yes…but first need a new BBQ…and nicer weather

Had a l-o-n-n-n-n-g meeting today (blah)

No meeting today, that’s tomorrow.

You prefer to have a sausage sizzle

eh…not really

are you going out of your home country in the next year?

Probably…but only as a vacation.

Have frequent nose bleeds! (Where are you going vet??)

No, I haven’t had a nosebleed for over 30 years. Caught an elbow playing basketball.

You will vacation this year in a sunny and warm climate out of your country.

I live in a warm sunny climate

You will have fish for dinner tonight

yes (if musky octopus with potatoes may be considered fish)

your (g-)kids’ homeworks are going to drive you crazy.

Yes, it usually does because first he’ll ask for help and then act like he already knew the answer or get frustated.

You are trying to either tame or keep an animal tame. (I’m working on a feral kitten that my son trapped now.)

Yes, I rescued a little black poodle that was almost feral, still can throw a tantrum.

You like reading.

Yes, but only read when I travel. I should read more but that damn TV has its fingers around my throat.

You are good cook.

Yes, most people enjoy my cooking.

You tried something different for dinner last night that was good for your BG.

No, I had soup as I had not long been to the dentist.

You like wearing high heels?

NO haven’t wore them since I was in my mid 30’s

The next person is ready for a day off!

Oh baby YES YES YES!!!

The next person is looking forward to a long weekend!!!
(Yeah May 2-4!!)

I have too much quiet time.

You are going food shopping today