Hello/Bonjour! I’m FatCatAnna (in the old days of Tudiabetes, I had the blog post about my name … in a nutshell … had a diabetic cat called Beauduoin on Lantus shots). I have been known by the FCA name in the #DOC since I was hired in social media back in 2007 as a lone Canadian in a T1D world full of pearly toothed Americans bloggers.
Before social media, I really didn’t know anyone out there that was addicted to our “juice of life” as I so lovingly call our insulin.
I use whatever I can get my paws on to control my health, so I’m all over the place with what I use from injections to gadgets to stay in the happy zone of my sponge brain.
You can find me posting in Instagram (great place for T1D’s from all over the world). Twitter and occasionally the mind draining Facebook