4th of July Weekend-臨機応変

It was a good but exhausting weekend and suprisingly stable D-wise… I hadn’t heard from a friend on whether she was definitely coming to my place for the weekend, though I still cleaned and prepped in case she showed up, which she did a day later…

The only thing we had planned was going out to see the fireworks on the National Mall and the rest we played by ear. Though I’ve lived in the DC metro area for 3 summers (the first only 2 blocks south of the Mall, this year was the first year I saw the firworks there. And although it was crowded, it was much much better than over 2009 Inaguration weekend. Luckily it didn’t rain while we were there either…We sat on the top of the steps that lead to the reflection pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial…and I have to say I wouldn’t want to be any closer! There was a lot of smoke near the Washington Monument/WWII area where they were setting off the fireworks. Also, the way some of the firworks exploded and fell, it felt as if they kept getting closer and closer…

Only downspot, was a moment of panic when while I was waiting. I felt low and realized I only had 2 glucose tabs on me and no one else had anything…plus there aren’t any convenience stores or such nearby… I didn’t test, but could feel it (which is iffy and why I usually test) but I had thought while estimating the bolus that I might have overestimated the carbs at dinner (coming from mozarella cheese and a roll and underestimating how the effect of eating a light lunch and walking around all day) Though the two I had seemed to be enough to last till I got home and could get something to eat. It was still a little low when I got home, so I had a bit more to eat including some protein since we were planning to go out to a dance club…

On a related note, but covering the carbs in mixed drinks/beer/wine is pretty difficult…And since I live alone (or even if people stay with me they almost never know what to do if I’m hypo) and after one bad incident I like to run higher at bedtime, because it usually drops for me overnight…

臨機応変 (adapting oneself to the circumstances)