I’ve only been type one diabetic for 5 months. At the beginning I didn’t want a pump at all. I started doing research and I REALLY want a pump now… Is there any reason my endocrinologist would say no? Maybe because I’ve only been diabetic for 5 months? Or no. Thoughts and ideas?!
I asked about a pump 8 months in. I had no problem getting one, though I'm still waiting for my training to actually use it. My endo and CDE really prefer the idea of me being on a pump when I'm so sensitive to insulin I cannot correct highs and need the increment dosing an insulin pump can provide . I also have a busy life where I'm having trouble with mdi as I don't have the time to dose up for a snack every time. I can take the 2-3 day infusion set change over constant shots just to eat something . I don't know if you have any control reasons, like are you really sensitive to insulin? Do you need to bring your A1C down? do you have a busy life and find using mdi a bit of a hassle? Like if you can find reasons like this , you can probably get one. My CDE actually advises people to get a pump if they want one (especially with a good reason) when they're new so they figure it all out and lessen diabetic complications with proper use.
I got a Medtronic 530g (the purple is really pretty if you like purple btw) , and once I told the endo I would like to try a pump? Got an appointment a month later where I talked to my CDE about it and she got me going on it and it literally only took like a week before it was on my doorstep (my insurance is fast) . Pump is 90% covered on insurance itself and the supplies sound pretty affordable though I don't know how much those actually cost right now. My mom is paying the rest of the pump off $52 for 11 months. They sent me around 4 months worth of supplies as well so as long as it actually lasts right around 4 months that'd be great lol. I'm getting trained to use it on the 21st , and I get the sensor training for the continuous glucose monitor next month (maybe...who knows lol my cde is busy as heck) .
How well managed are you currently, Taylar? Are you confident in your basal dose, ISF, I:C ratios? Are you comfortable with counting carbs? If you don't have all that down yet, you might want to do that first before you get your pump. There is a learning curve with a pump and it's best if you have all the basic insulin dosing skills down first. Some people think if they are not well managed a pump will "do it for them". It won't. But it is a wonderful tool to fine tune your management and to improve your quality of life!
Yes I am busy and sometimes can’t even feel lows! I go to hair school, and work on clients all day. I think it would benefit me getting a pump and a CGM to detect when I’m low so I will no ahead of time instead when I’m already low to where I’m about to pass out… That’s has actually happened to me while I was doing a client I go really dizzy and almost passed out. I think it would be easier management for me especially as being a hair dresser where I’m busy and on my feet 24/7. Also at night my numbers tend to drop more than 70 points whithin an hour. My a1c in Janurary was 6.5 but I was in my honeymoon phase, now that I am out of the honeymoon phase my blood sugar has been running pretty high. And yes I am pretty good with the insulin:carb ratio!
I agree with Zoe. If you are comfortable with carb counting and frequent testing, the pump is a great tool. I got my pump a few weeks after my Type 1 diagnosis. I think that being able to have several basal rates throughout the day really helped with the end of honeymooning. Being able to decrease the basal rate for exercise is also very helpful. Being attached to something 24/7 felt kind of strange after less than two months of MDI, but the adjustment was pretty quick and now, 5 1/2 years in, I would not trade it. Just remember that you still will need to do a lot of testing, that your I/C ratios will often change with time, and especially in the beginning, it is very important to stay in frequent communication with your medical providers, and let them make any adjustments.