A1C creeping up

I was diagnosed with type 2 about 3 years ago. My A1C has creep up to 6.9 at my last checkup. I’m thinking I need to pay better attention to glycemic index & 2 hr post meal readings. My morning readings are below 125 as a rule. So, how has anyone lowered their A1C lately?

Hi Sharon,

Testing frequently helps to learn how different foods effect you & to avoid those that send you high.

Has your doctor suggested increasing your meds, or trying different ones?

If your doctor hasn;t done these tests, ask for a C-peptide (measures how much insulin your pancreas is producing) & a GAD antibody test. GAD measures if & how much your pancreas may be under antibody attack. Important to also get a thyroid panel because many people with diabetes (especially women) have accompanying thyroid problems.

Too many get misdiagnosed as Type 2 without testing based on age or physical appearance & go without proper treatment.

The things that help lower A1c are losing weight (if you need to lose weight), increasing exercise, lowering carbs & increasing or changing meds. Type 2’s who can’t get BG into good range on oral meds, can be prescribed insulin. There are many Type 2s members here using insulin. The benefit of insulin, other than more normal BG, is that insulin preserves your beta cells.

Gerri, Please clarify: You wrote “Type 2’s who can’t get BG into good range on oral meds, can be prescribed insulin.” What is considered “good [BG] range on oral meds”?

Also, I strongly agree about testing frequently. My endo wants me to test merely twice a day (fasting and before dinner) on metformin, but I do better testing more frequently. I’m one of the lucy ones who can usually exercise my bs down after eating or before I eat if I test too high.

Best regards, Lucy

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Hello Sharon.

I also agree with Gerri. Im also a type 2 diagnosed 2 years ago. Started off with a very high A1C. At first I was required to make a journal of food and physical activities. This means testing from Fbg to every food intake and physical activity/exercise, one hour then 2 hours after. It is a very tidious job but it helped me establish bg levels and trendings. And with diet and exercise, Im down to A1C of 6.

What meds are you taking? Docotors can increase dosage of meds or may also prescribe combination of medicines. The need for a second medication is not uncommon. Type 2 diabetes typically progresses over time, causing the body to produce less insulin and resist the action of insulin that is produced. In addition, it can be difficult for some people to follow the recommended diet, exercise, or treatment plan. How’s your weight? Have you seen a dietician? How much carbs can you take? Any exercise regimen?
If a type 2 cannot control bg to normal or near normal ranges, and cutting carbs, diet and exercise all considered, doctor may need to add insulin or another injectable medication. Using a combination of treatments (oral medication plus insulin) generally means that the person can take a lower dose of insulin, compared to if insulin treatment is used alone. There may also be a reduced risk of weight gain if combination therapy is used.
Hope this helps a bit. =)

As far as I know Lucy, the average blood sugar goal is 150 mg/dl or 8.3 mmol/L and fasting blood sugar goal is less than 100 mg/dL or 5.6 mmol/L. Although some people will have a different goal. Your doctor can help you to determine your goal.

I was diagnosed t2 nearly 5 years ago. After great success in the first year, my HbA1c crept up, slowly despite increasing levels of strictness in my diet as well as improved fitness. Many diabetics do find that their condition progresses despite best efforts. But this does not mean you can’t do anything about the situation. In fact, I consider a low carb diet to have been a resounding success, by far the biggest impact of any treatment. You mention that you should better attention to glycemic index, which leads me to think that you are not following a very strict diet.

So let me ask you a pointed question. Given that diet and exercise are the first line treatment (and the most effective) for a t2. Have you been following a diet and exercise regime?

ps. Over the last year, I finally found a combination of metformin and Byetta which reduced my HbA1c, but I still have to diet and exercise.

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My A1c and fasting glucose results have crept up too from 5.8 to 6.1 on my last labs. That pushed me over the edge of normal into what I’m thinking are pre-diabetic results. I’m not wanting to go to the doctor until January because I have to pay for everything out of my own pocket. My insurance only provides a limit on charges, but every time I go, I end up with bills for hundreds of dollars. I’m going to change plans in January and get to a medical visit. In the meantime, I have to find some way of getting inspired enough to diet and exercise again. The battle just never ends! The silver lining is that it is all worth it and life is still a gift that we are all lucky to have. :wink:

I’ll be watching this post and hoping for some more insight from the question too. Great blog post! Thx…

Type 2 for a while. I use insulin lispro to spank my numbers. I check my BG a lot more than anyone else, because my script for strips is generous.

I got A1C down to 6.8 and was running to burn off numbers. Then I broke my left foot. Now the A1C is 7.6

I joined this forum to read what other people are doing. Happily married. 57 years old. They say diabetes is more diff when you get old…

Robert in Memphis

Having completed the courses recommended by Dr i.e. X-Pert Diabetes programme. My Drs are very good and I have advice when I regularly attend my check-ups. I lower my carbs i.e. bread, rice, use sugar subs etc. You have to be careful doing this. If you feel lethargic, then you have to adjust your carbs. They don’t recommend doing this for long. This helps but recently my levels shot up so I am on extra medication. This happens as Diabetes is progressive and sometimes no matter how hard you try, it’s not possible to lower your levels without extra meds. But having said this, my levels and weight (I walk most days) are coming down from 9.1 to 6.5 now. Am feeling ok and enjoy the walks (weather permitting).

My story is similar to Brian’s. About 18 months ago I noticed a rise (despite care w/ diet, exercise): I was at 7.6. Adding insulin to my regime dropped my A1C to 6.0 within 6 months.
Be mindful of diet & exercise, be watchful of your numbers–and discuss options with an endo.


Have you tried keeping a food journal? We’ve seen keeping a food journal helps people be more mindful about what they’re eating. Curious if you did try it, if you got any good results from it. Hope this is helpful!


In the event you are unaware, I think googling the A1C to blood glucose conversion table would be helpful to you.

I hope it is useful.

