About me

Well, I have been diabetic for about 10 years. I actually can't remember exactly when, either because its been so long, or because I have blotted it out of memory. It wasn't a really traumatic diagnosis- I just started noticing that I was drinking a lot of water, and I wasn't sleeping so well. That was it.

I went to the health center at my college. After a quick exam, and a GTT, and some other blood tests, they came up with the "diabetes" diagnosis. I was started on micronase, and no follow up was planned.

Three months later, the micronase wasn't working, I was drinking upwards of a gallon of water a day, and I had lost 50 lbs. So I went back to the dr, and was started on insulin. I think my A1c was 11. But I think I took it in stride- for a couple of years, I was a model for good control- I had glucose logs up the yin yang, and I spent at least 2-3 hours a day in the school library learning about diabetes.

But every dr I have gone to listened to my story, and wrote Type II in my chart (I know, I looked). For some reason, that made me incredibly mad! At the time, I suppose that Type 1's were diagnosed early (certainly not at 21!) and usually were hospitalized. For me, that was a sign of both ignorance and arrogance. For the dr's to believe that I had recognized the symptoms and gone to the dr, that would be incredible!

Anyways, I envy those people who have dr's who actually know what they are talking about.

Now, I am participating in a clinical trial involving inhaled insulin ( the dr is kind of iffy, his method of control is to eat exactly the same thing every day- he smirks when I mention carb counting), but I get free insulin and test strips. And since my insurance is only a tiny bit better than no insurance, free is better than nothing.

That’s crazy. I have a kid brother who was diagnosed (type 1) in his late 20s.

I know! I don’t know if it was the area, or the time- this was the early 90’s…

I had a similar experience with diagnosis, but once I got the right doctor, everything has been much easier. Free test strips, though…that is definitely a perk!

Oh yeah! Free test strips, free insulin… and its not a bad study- I think I prefer the inhaled insulin over the injected.

inhaled insulin sounds interesting… how does that work?

the insulin comes in a pouch that you put in the inhaller
it is a powder insulin