Acronyms (revised) - input please!

ED - Eating disorder, but also erectile dysfunction!
Sx - Symptoms

For Canadians ....RDSP Registered Disability Savings plan , in conjuction with DTC .

did I misspell , ha, ha ?? ...story of my life ..I keep on doing that , even after 49 years here ...bikette , next my accent ...I will sent you a pm message soon as we are visiting LONDON ...your London , not the Olympic one :)

Tx- treatment, dx- diagnosis, fx- fracture!

Sx is a standard abbreviation for symptoms in the medical/psychiatric fields

PRN= as needed, which is what I think test strip rx's should be for!

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Thanks everyone for all the contributions! Emily has posted the (semi) final list here with links on the New To Diabetes page, the FAQ page and the New Member Guide.

Collaboration does wonders ;)

I love this!

HUA-hypo unawareness

lol all the way.......:):):)...can't stop lol-ing

Just a bump since many acronyms have been mentioned recently. Maybe time to update main list.

Or if one is really interested in the topic one could just ask questions.

YDFLNCA: You’re Doing Fine Let’s Not Change Anything. What PWDs are told when GPs and insufficiently educated endos are afraid to try a better treatment regimen because the patient’s A1C is ok, no matter how sh***y their quality of life is.

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Also know as lazy doctor syndrome

Or the lazy patient syndrome. Basically our primary care is by us.
The only. Doctor that I have ever relied on was my diaganosing doctor who admitted she knew little about diabetes. So she directed me to understand what my body needed or not. So far it is working fine.

When you’re stuck on the same obsolete treatment regimen for years past its rightful expiration date despite asking to try this different treatment you’ve heard about and being denied a referral to a specialist, unless you can write your own prescriptions it’s definitely the Dr’s problem not the patient’s. If I sound like I’m speaking from experience, it’s because I am.

That’s is when it is time to find a new doctor. Unless it is the only doctor within 100 miles.

My worst experience with a doctor was when, I lowered my A1c to 6.0 with diet and exercise, the doctor said I could stop the last small dose of metformin. Which I agreed, but then turned to me and said you are no longer a diabetic and I am changing your diagnoisis to eliminate your record showing diabetes. He said that in his opinion I loved playing the role of the victim! I fired him on the spot and filed a formal complaint with Kaiser.

I found a doctor who allowed me to do low carb and not follow the standard drug program.
Still my doc, still low carb (less than 30 a day) still A1c 6 or under.
In my opinion medical professional are consultants not dictators.

I could have used this 4 years ago when first diagnosed!